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Defining concepts in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Accuracy, precision, and domain tailoring

The practice of defining concepts for Microsoft Dynamics AX requires accuracy, precision, and domain tailoring. So the question I pose for consideration is: What constitutes an accurate, precise, and domain tailored concept?

If you had to define the concepts named by the terms cost, expenditure, and expense, how might you measure your definition with respect to accuracy, precision, and domain tailoring?

A few simple measures might include:

  • Relevancy – Do the concept definition and term apply to a specific operations resource management domain, for example, sales and marketing?
  • Accuracy – Does the concept definition accurately define the term?
  • Completeness – Does the concept definition provide only the essential definition of the concept?
  • Concision – Does the concept definition offer a statement that uses the fewest possible words, offer multiple sentences, or include an example?
  • Time – What amount of time does it take to understand a concept or to find an understandable definition for it?
  • Understandability – Does the concept definition enable the user who knows the domain to understand the term? Does the concept definition enable people who do not know the domain to understand the term?
  • Translatability or localizability – If necessary, do the concept definition and term apply to a worldwide audience? Can the concept definition and term be translated or localized?

When we define a concept for the Microsoft Dynamics AX product, our practice is to write a brief, accurate, and precise statement to define the concept from some aspect of the real-world and with respect to a domain, such as accounting or manufacturing. The term we select to represent that concept is then realized in the product code and user interface.

As an example, consider the Microsoft Dynamics AX definitions for the terms cost, expenditure, and expense below. In the sentences that follow, insert the term that accurately completes each sentence.

To see if you applied the terms as we have, click the link in each sentence. Each link will take you to the Microsoft Dynamics AX glossary entry for the highlighted term, which shows you which term we’ve applied – cost, expenditure, or expense.

  • cost – The value of an economic resource that is quantified in monetary units and that is measured using an accounting valuation principle.
  • expenditure – A cost or expense that is expended during an accounting period.
  • expense – A cost that expires when the benefits that incurred the cost are received during an accounting period.
  1. A profit is the difference between revenue obtained from sales and ____________ incurred in product delivery activities.
  2. A charge is the incidental ____________ of product acquisition or product delivery.
  3. Budget control is a practice of authorizing ____________ only when budget funds can be reserved to meet future payment commitments.