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I want my Silverlight app to look like the Zune client (part 2)

Ever since Deepesh posted this awesome article a couple months back, we’ve wanted to give you a template for creating a Silverlight Business Application that looks the Zune client. We started with the Cosmopolitan Theme, applied the tweaks he listed in his post, and added a few more for good measure. In case you’re not sold yet, we tossed the template in a VSIX to make it extra easy to install.


Since this is the latest version of our template, you get a few nice touch ups.

  • The Login and Registration windows open with focus in the Name field
  • Both windows also listen for the Enter and Escape keys, submitting or canceling accordingly
  • The Windows authentication status control shows an ‘authenticating…’ message
  • The application uses Silverlight Toolkit Theming for a smaller application size

To use this template, simply install RIA Services, download the template, and then use Visual Studio to create a new project.


Special thank to Deepesh and Tsitsi for helping me polish this up. It was fun to put together, and I hope you like it.

[A Note For RIA V1 SP1]

There’s a regression in loading some of the older templates in the SP1 release that is not present in V1 and has been fixed in V1 SP2. Use this link for SP1.