XAML Compliance Suite V1
Generally, when theres an open spec format, theres usually a set of tests that ensure that the spec is being followed right. As as example, the Acid tests help in deterning the support of web standards in different web browsers. So when it came to XAML, we (Xaml team) decided that we should have a basic set of tests that can be used to determine whether the parser implementation is compliant with the XAML spec. You can find the latest XAML spec at (LINK)
So here we have it, V1 of the XAML Compliance suite of tests. The suite consists of two parts: a custom type library and a collection of xaml files that use those types. The types are self verifiable - so using the library would need users to have a simple function that exercises their parser with the xaml files. A simple loader for the System.Xaml parser is included in the project as a sample. Since the types are CLR based they can easily be used with other parsers without needing a dependency on WPF.
The sample loader has the following usage:
Usage: SystemXamlLoader.exe XamlFileRepositoryPath TypesDll LogOnlyFailures
XamlFileRepositoryPath: Path to directory of test xaml files
TypesDll: Dll containing custom types to load.
LogOnlyFailures: True|False. Defaults to True
E.g: SystemXamlLoader.exe Xaml Xaml.Test.dll false
The zipped up suite is attached
July 07, 2010
Thank you for submitting this cool story - Trackback from DotNetShoutoutAnonymous
July 07, 2010
You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from DotNetKicks.comAnonymous
July 07, 2010
Thanks for getting this out. Long due.Anonymous
July 07, 2010
Lester and his team (the XAML test team) just released v1 of the XAML compliance suite – a set of basicAnonymous
July 09, 2010
There should also be an extended test suite, in my humble opinion. For example, the XAML spec "recommends" various best practices and provides "warnings" for potentially unsafe usages for XAML, but a XAML parser does not directly ship with Debug-mode-only methods that allow you to verify the content of a XAML file.Anonymous
July 09, 2010
zabroski, the suite will be extended over time. Currently, the suite targets the MUST rules of the formatAnonymous
July 11, 2010
This is Windows Client Developer roundup #32. The Windows Client Developer Roundup aggregates informationAnonymous
July 11, 2010
This is Windows Client Developer roundup #32. The Windows Client Developer Roundup aggregates informationAnonymous
July 11, 2010
This is Windows Client Developer roundup #32. The Windows Client Developer Roundup aggregates informationAnonymous
July 14, 2010
Beautiful. What license is this released under? I've started a sivlerlight test harness for the tests. Cheers, JacksonAnonymous
July 14, 2010
Jackson, You are welcome to use these tests for testing your product. btw, terms of use are at the botton of the page.Anonymous
July 14, 2010
Thanks 4 sharingAnonymous
July 14, 2010
Thank you for submitting this cool story - Trackback from progg.ruAnonymous
October 04, 2010
While answering a question in StackOverflow I decide to note down all the resources available for testing