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TFS Administration Tool 2.0 has been released

I am pleased to announce that TFS Administration Tool 2.0 has been released. You can download it from the TFS Administration Tool project website. The team is very excited to have this release available to the public as it contains many new features. You can read about the new features in my earlier blogs post here and here.

Note: TFS Administration Tool 2.0 is built on top of the Team Foundation Server 2008 client object model. Before installing TFS Administration Tool 2.0 please make sure that you have Team Explorer 2008 SP1 and the Forward Compatibility update installed.

Please download TFS Administration Tool 2.0 and let us know what you think about it. In case you run into any bugs or you would like to see a new feature in the next release please make sure you file a work item on the project web site. Before installing TFS Administration Tool 2.0 please make sure that you have removed the previous versions of the tool from your machine.

Please find below two screenshots of TFS Administration Tool 2.0



What’s next for the TFS Administration Tool?

Since the release of Visual Studio 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010, many users have contacted the team asking for a version of TFS Administration Tool which is built on top of the Team Foundation Server 2010 object model. We have looked into this and it looks like is should be fairly easy to recompile the the tool to use the Team Foundation Server 2010 object model. We are hoping to release an updated version of the TFS Administration Tool within a month. Please keep an eye on the project web site for updates on the next release.