#Requires -Version 3
function Expand-Aliases {
find any aliases in use and expand them to full cmdlet names.
Any scripts in 'corporate' or 'formal' use should have any aliases
expanded. This removes ambiguity and any potential clashes or errors.
The powershell .ps1 file(s) you wish to scan/repair for aliases.
Expand-Aliases -InputFile test.ps1
Get-ChildItem *.ps1 | Expand-aliases
Param ([parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage='Enter a valid PowerShell filename')]
[string[]] $InputFiles)
$aliases = Get-Alias | Group-Object -AsHashTable -Property Name
$ParserErrors = $null
ForEach ($InputFile in $InputFiles) {
Write-Verbose -Message "$Inputfile"
$text = Get-Content -Path $InputFile -Raw -verbose # ignore newlines, etc. and return as a single string.
$tokens = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($text, [ref]$ParserErrors)
$commands = $tokens | Where-Object {$_.Type -eq 'Command'} | Sort-Object { $_.Start } -Descending
Foreach ($cmd in $commands) { # sorted so that last one in file is expanded first
$key = $cmd.Content
if ($aliases.Contains($key)) {
$alias = $aliases.$key # Alias
$old = $cmd.Content
$new = $alias.ResolvedCommandName # expanded Alias as command
If ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($old, ('Expand alias to {0}' -f $new))
$text = $text.Remove($cmd.start,$cmd.Content.Length).Insert($cmd.start,$new)
August 21, 2017
It seems that because of the difference in the string length between an alias and it's command, if there were more than one alias this script would start putting the replacements in the wrong place. I think there needs to be a point of reference by (adding the difference in alias to command lengths together) that will link $cmd.start to the new place that $cmd actually starts in the string after previous insertions. I haven't tested, I may be wrong
August 21, 2017
My apologies, re-ordering from last to first takes care of that issue quite nicely!
September 15, 2017
YES, that is exactly the point I reached too - until I realised sort and then work from last to first would do the trick!