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30 days of Twitter

It’s been about a month since my blog post on ‘To Tweet or Not to Tweet’. I have done over 100+ ’tweets’ and have a modest following (as well as following approx 50 people) and the question I asked myself this weekend was “Has it been worth it and is it working?”

To answer that question I should really look at my main reasons for wanting to try it out.

  1. Being two faced – Provide relevant status updates on my ‘work persona’
  2. Faster than a speeding blog post – A way to share information I think wouldn’t constitute a blog post
  3. Keeping your ears to the ground – Using twitter to keep in touch with the community

To a greater or lesser extent,  it has indeed delivered on these three ‘requirements’ list above.  Let me give you some examples taken from the last 30 days or so

  • Shared my twitter URL at the beginning of a presentation.  By the time I was back in the office I had already had a few people contact me to,  either to compliment me on my presentation (which was nice of them) or to know more about UC. 
  • Making contact with those ‘on the ground’ that are using and abusing OCS R2.  I have been talking to a few people that are either installing OCS,  using OCS as an employee,  writing about OCS as a journalist or analyst or going on OCS training organised by Microsoft.   The instant feedback and intel’ you get from Twitter just isn't possible with traditional forums.
  • I have also been tracking the infrastructure deployment of camatmckesson who appears to be installing and using everything we produce at Microsoft.  Its great to see someone using the ‘stack’ to its full potential

Put simply,  Twitter is indeed a great corporate tool if you make the time to dedicate to it.  In fact I am putting together an internal virtual team to think about how we can get more people within Microsoft twittering.

What’s your experience of Twitter as a professional messaging tool?  Good? Bad? Any tips?
