Mostly about ESENT, the database engine.
Code Pages versus Locales/Locale Names
The question recently came up on why someone's index range on a text column wasn't working properly....
Date: 04/16/2015
Using esentutl.exe /vss
to examine an in-use database
This feature has been present in Exchange with eseutil.exe, but now it will be part of Windows 10...
Date: 02/11/2015
Sparse Files: ESE can now give space back to the file system
A long-standing limitation of ESE is that database files never shrink, even after deleting...
Date: 09/10/2014
cbKeyMost when indexing needs additional overhead
I recently helped someone track down why they were getting JET_errKeyTruncated. They declared an...
Date: 10/08/2013
ManagedEsent is in Windows 8.1 and on MSDN.
I'm super excited to share this: ManagedEsent is documented on MSDN:...
Date: 09/05/2013
Cost of JetIntersectIndexes
We recently had a question about JetIntersectIndexes()'s performance. Here's what Brett wrote up:...
Date: 04/19/2013
JetGetObjectInfo() does not get record count by default
We recently had the following question: I am trying to get the space occupied by each table that we...
Date: 12/07/2012
Introduction to Indices
ESE is an ISAM engine -- Indexed Sequential Access Method. Wikipedia has an article on ISAMs:...
Date: 09/10/2012
Sharp Corner: Close a table after creating it
The ESENT API has existed for a while, so there are quite a few oddities to it. After creating a...
Date: 06/23/2012