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Talking Architects – Kim Cameron and friends from AIC2010

Finally, all 8 of my interviews for AIC2010 are available on Channel9!

Talking Architects with Kim Cameron, Chief Identity Architect, Microsoft Corporation


"The Internet was born without an identity". -Kim Cameron. With the growing interest in "cloud computing", the subject of Identity is moving into the limelight. Kim Cameron is a legend in the identity architecture and engineering space. He is currently the chief architect for Microsoft's identity platform and a key contributor to the field at large.

Talking Architects with Ivar Jacobson, Founder, Ivar Jacobson International

image "Everyone of us knows how to develop software, but as an industry we don't know it!" or so Ivar Jacobson argues. Software engineering is severely hampered today by immature practices. I got chance to talk to the great Ivar Jacobson backstage at Architect Insight about his work in software engineering from his pioneering work with RUP, to ESSUP and more recently with SEMAT (Software Engineering Methodology and Theory).

Talking Architects with Steve Cook, Principal Architect, Visual Studio, Microsoft Corp

image Steve Cook, Principal Architect in the Microsoft Visual Studio Team tells me all about Microsoft's involvement in the Object Management Group and his desire to get UML right this time around!

Talking Architects with Iain Mortimer, Chief Architect, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

image What's happening to the enterprise? What's the next generation enterprise going to look like? Ans: An Orange! I got to talk backstage at Architect Insight the other month with Iain Mortimer, Chief Architect, Bank of America Merrill Lynch about next generation enterprises and oranges!

Talking Architects with Andy Hopkirk, Director of Programs, NCC

image Andy Hopkirk is a legend in government circles for his unstinting leadership in driving interoperability initiatives like the e-Government Integration Framework (e-GIF)through his work at the National Computing Centre (NCC) here in the UK! Besides this, he's got great hair and a fantastic beard that makes me think I'm talking to a professor out of some Heath Robinson picture! Andy presented at AIC on the need for architects to stand up and be counted and I got time with him to explore this and other stuff a little further

Talking Architects with Dave Coplin, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Ltd

image Government Clouds; empowering the citizen or just about cutting costs? Dave Coplin, National Technology Officer, Microsoft UK is at the centre of this debate in the UK and argues that for from just being cost saving, open data in government and the cloud is far more about empowerment and driving innovation to deliver government as a service to its citizens. I caught up with Dave backstage at Architect Insight and asked him about this and other issues that cloud presents in the public sector.

Talking Architects with David Sprott, CEO, Everware CBDI International

image 10 years of .NET and 10 years of .NET Web Services! Well, perhaps this was not mark the starting point of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) but the last decade has seen an unprecedented period where SOA has reigned supreme at top of the hype cycle! David Sprott, CEO, CBDI-Forum has dedicated his time to providing SOA guidance to Industry. So what does he make of all this cloud stuff? Does 'cloud now trump SOA? I got the chance to ask David this and other stuff backstage at Architect Insight.

Talking Architects with … Richard Veryard, Director of the Next Practice Research Institute.


Is your organisation intelligent? What makes an organisation smart? What makes them dumb? We all know that what intelligent people are like and it's not necessarily linked to IQ! It's more about their ability to deal with complexity and being able to learn from their mistakes - if they don't we might call them stupid! The same can apply to organisations.