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A Cool Tool for your Operations Manager Toolkit - PowerGUI

So I came across this a week or so ago but forgot to install and play with it until today.  PowerGUI is a freeware product from Quest that provides an IDE for working with PowerShell on your systems, and has integration with Operations Manager 2007, in addition to Active Directory and Exchange Server 2007.  I just started to poke around with it on my Management Server, and it is actually pretty cool because it can help you in learning how to leverage the power of PowerShell integration in managing your Operations Manager environment.  Coding in PowerShell is one area I have not been able to devote enough time to, but I see how this tool can somewhat reduce that learning curve.

It is a bit basic, but it's a start and the developer is looking to provide additional features in the near future. 

You can learn more about it and download it from here -