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MPViewer Exports on OPSMANJAM.COM

You probably have noticed that the MPViewer HTML exports for our management packs that were released “back in the day” have not been kept up to date, nor provided for new MP’s released in the library on the OpsManJam website.   Due to the busy work schedule of the UA team who manages the content on this site, it has fallen behind and a few customers have contacted us to inquire what the future holds for this content.  

Based on these inquiries and the value they find in us providing the content, I reached out to the team to ask what the deal was.  After a hearty discussion and understanding that they could use some help, I offered to take on the responsibility of keeping this portion of the library up-to-date.

Last week and this week I started to update the content and reorganize it accordingly.  You will find up there the recent MPViewer HTML exports for the latest Cross-Platform management packs, SQL Server, Exchange 2010, and a couple of others.  My thoughts around this are to maintain two versions of the HTML export for each respective management pack, the latest and the version prior.  You will be able to identify which version is which by the naming convention of the HTML file - <MP Name>_<Version of MP>.html.  So for example, the latest SQL Server management pack is version 6.1.314.36 and the file name in the library is - Microsoft.SQLServer.2008.Monitoring_6.1.314.36.  I still have some work to do ensuring all the exports for the latest MP’s are available on the site, so please bear with me as I work on this off-hours… I do have a day job :)

I would be interested in your feedback as to if you find value in us providing this  when we release a new management pack or updated version of a currently released MP.  Also if you like it in HTLM format or rather Excel (XLS) format.  Any other feedback related to this is appreciated as well.