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In the Cloud

Running Mission Critical Solutions on Windows Azure

I wanted to follow up on my previous post for Common Tip and post something that covers how Upgrades...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 05/17/2012

Common Windows Azure Tips

Here are several simple tips if you are planning to leverage Windows Azure for your applications:...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 12/02/2011


I can't believe I've neglected this blog for 2 years, I'm blowing the dust off the keyboard and...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 11/19/2011

Server Side Speech Recognition

Last week I learned something, well I learned many things but one that was particularly interesting....

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 11/04/2009

Custom Disclaimer

A lot of businesses want to add disclaimers to external communications. Using MSPL on the Edge...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 08/02/2009

UCMA WF Application Host

As promised I've released some code that shows you how to create a reusable application host that...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 05/11/2009

Unified Communications Managed API v2.0 Workflow Applications

UCMA v2.0 includes a great abstraction layer, Communication Workflows, based on the Windows Workflow...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 04/30/2009

OCS 2007 R2 Virtual Launch

Sign up for the OCS 2007 R2 Virtual Launch on Feburary...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 01/28/2009

Windows Speech Recognition Macros Tools have Shipped!

I blogged about these earlier and they have finally shipped. You can download them here:...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 01/28/2009

Status Update

I've been MIA for a couple months mainly for Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to RTM, but I've...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 01/12/2009

Speech Server 2007 vs UCMA v2.0 WF activites

I am planning a series of blog posts that will show you how to create UCMA WF applications that can...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 10/15/2008

Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Unveiled at VoiceCon Amsterdam

News Article here: This announcement allows me...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 10/14/2008

CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) w/ Office Communications Server

Side Note: I know I haven’t blogged much recently, but I’ve changed roles within Microsoft, been on...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 10/13/2008

New UC API Samples Released!

A few new code samples have been released on various UC APIs. I haven't checked them all our yet,...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 09/10/2008

Sending SMS messages via Communicator

If you are using PIC (Public IM Connectivity) in OCS, you can send SMS messages to any capable phone...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 07/31/2008

Unified Communications Developer Labs

I was checking out the UC Developer Portal recently and It seems it is not up to date on the...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 07/21/2008

Re: Presence in WPF

Michiel van Oudheusden from e-office, has taken the challenge to actually hook up the the WPF...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 06/27/2008

Presence in WPF

A very interesting article on using WPF to display presence by Erik Klimczak from Clarity...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 06/21/2008

Integrating Speech Server with Office Communications Server

While Speech Server is apart of Office Communications Server, the two do not rely on each and...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 06/17/2008

Microsoft TechEd 2008 Developers June 3-6 - Orlando, FL

Bill Gates will be doing the Keynote and probably one of his last before he retires. I'll be doing a...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 05/28/2008

VSLive! Orlando May 12-16

I will be presenting at VSLive! Orlando on May 15th. My session is "Embedding Presence in Your...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 05/02/2008

Fix for Speech Server (2007) "Red X" Issue

The update for the "Red X" issue you may see in your workflow after loading VS 2008 on the same box...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 05/01/2008

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 7 has been released!

Attention Macintosh users put down your one button mouse for a minute, for now you can enjoy some...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 04/29/2008

Windows Speech Recognition Macros

A Technical Preview of Windows Speech Recognition Macros, WSRMacros, has just been released! Like...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 04/25/2008

Creating a Click to Call Application w/Speech Server (2007)

The term "Click to Call" is thrown around a bit to mean slightly different things. In this post I'm...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 04/09/2008

Communicator AddIn for Outlook Released

Code & Binary are now released:

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 04/02/2008

Web Based Presence using UC AJAX API

I was asked today how easy it would be to create a web control that would display a user's presence...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 03/18/2008

Communicator Automation API in Action - Outlook Add-In

I've been working on the an Add in for Outlook, using VSTO and the Communicator Automation API,...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 03/18/2008

Using the Communicator Automation API

Recent Update to the Presence...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 03/08/2008

Tellme Studio

If you haven't been in the "IVR world" prior to Microsoft acquiring Tellme, you may not be with all...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 03/08/2008

Creating a Click to Chat Application w/Office Communications Server 2007 Part I

One of the most common questions I get is: Can OCS do "Click to Chat"? The answer is not out of the...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 02/04/2008

Creating a WCF ACD Server Part II - Presence using the UC AJAX SDK

Download Sample Code Ok let me say this for clarification. This isn't a "real" ACD. It isn't "real"...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 02/04/2008

Creating a WCF ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) Server Part I

Download Code Sample In March of last year I started a CodePlex project which didn't get very far...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 01/20/2008


In the words of Austin Powers - Allow myself to introduce myself... My name is Michael Dunn and I'm...

Author: Michael D. Dunn Date: 01/17/2008