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Are you using IE7 and have a problem in accessing some site?

Internet Explorer 7 is the newest version of Internet Explorer(IE) will be launched on Windows Vista time. It will also be available for XP SP2 and 2003 SP1 users. It has many fancy features like new rendering engine(you will love it especially in LCD screens), Built in RSS aggregator, new enhanced security model and new printing engine. You can try the Beta 3 now at

Some early testers faced a problem that they couldn't browse some sites they used to browse using IE 6 that's because these sites are searching for IE 6 user agent header. If you are using IE 7 then your user agent header will be like this

User-Agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

Overcoming this problem depend on who you are, are you a web developer who want to allow IE7 users to browse your site without a problem or you are a user that couldn't browse your favorite site after installing IE7.

If you are a Web Developer:

Please refer to MSDN article at titled "Detecting Internet Explorer More Effectively"

If you are a user who installed IE7 and you want to browse your favorite sites like before:

You need to change a key in your registry to make your IE 7 simulate the user-agent header of IE6. Fortunately, this is pretty simple. All you need is to run the reg file included in Download and run the file in the link "Internet Explorer 6". Restart your IE and everything will work fine with you :)

have a nice browsing,

Mohamed Sharaf