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Main Menu retro

I really encourage you to work with the new navigation pane in 4.0. When you get accustomed to it, I think it’s much better to work with than the old menu and with the coming improvements in 4.0 SP1 (like auto hide) it is really a great tool.

Some people however prefer to work with the old menu and even if I personally believe it is just a matter of getting to know the navigation pane, I’m going to offer you a little modification you can apply if you want to continue to work with the old menu. Of course things can change and the modification described here may not work in future versions.

The old menu still exists and serves as meta data for the navigation pane.

Dynamics AX allows you to open a specific menu when starting the client. Go to Tools \ Options \ General tab and check out the field “Start menu”. The lookup for this field will however not show the main menu. You need to customize the user options form in order to make the main menu selectable from this lookup.

Open the AOT, find the form SysUserSetup, open the method getMainMenuItems and comment out line number 35, saying: mainMenuItems.add(#mainMenuNodeName);

Finally save the form with your change.

Now you can select the main menu from user options and have it open automatically when you start Dynamics AX. You can hide the Favorties and Navigation panes by clearing the checkmarks in the View menu if you want.

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