Partager via

Powershell Script for Collection Events Logs from multiple servers and generating a single html report

i was asked by a customer to do this and it was one of those scripts that was written in about 15 mins and to me anyway proved interesting just to write and output to html...

their big thing is they wanted to be able to collect multiple events logs from multiple systems and have on file that stored the information for later purposes (which havent been divulged yet!)

Anyway here is the script


Feedback is always welcome.....




$inputfilepath = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop"
$inputfilename = "servers.txt"
$serverlistinput = $inputfilepath + "\" + $inputfilename

Write-host "Check Input File" -Foregroundcolor Yellow -Backgroundcolor Black
$checkinputexist = test-path $serverlistinput

if ($checkinputexist -ne $True)
 Write-host "Please Generate Servers.txt on the desktop. This should contain all the servers you wish to connect to" -Foregroundcolor Red -BackgroundColor Black
 write-host "One Entry per line" -Foregroundcolor Red -Backgroundcolor Black
 Exit 1
write-host "Input File Exists!" -Foregroundcolor Green -backgroundcolor Black

Write-Host "`nReading in server list, Please wait..." -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor Black
$serverlist = Get-Content $serverlistinput
if ($serverlist.count -gt 0)
Write-Host "`nWe have read " $serverlist.count " servers from the file" -Foregroundcolor Green -backgroundcolor Black
Write-Host "The following servers will be scanned `n" $serverlist -Foregroundcolor Green -backgroundcolor Black
 write-host "Servers.txt is either empty or corrupt please re-create or add server names to the list" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
 exit 1

#test for results directory if does not exist create it!

$resultsdirexist = Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE
$resultsdirparent = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop"
$resultsdirname = "EventLog"
$testpath = $resultsdirparent + "\" + $resultsdirname
$resultsdirexist = Test-Path $testpath

if ($resultsdirexist -ne "True")
Write-Host "Directory Does not exist."
Write-Host "Creating...."
Set-Location $resultsdirparent
New-Item -path $resultsdirparent -Name EventLog -type directory
Write-Host $testpath " has been created"
Write-Host "This is where all output from the files will be stored"


$report = $testpath + "\reports.htm"
Clear-Content $report

[array]$eventlogs = $null
$eventlogs += "Application"
$eventlogs += "Security"
$Eventlogs += "System"
$countarr = $eventlogs.count


Foreach ($s in $serverlist)
 $progress = "."
 Add-Content $report "<html>"
 Add-Content $report "<head>"
 Add-Content $report "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>"
 Add-Content $report '<title>Event Log Report for Server $s</title>'
 add-content $report '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">'
 add-content $report "<!--"
 add-content $report "td {"
 add-content $report "font-family: Tahoma;"
 add-content $report "font-size: 11px;"
 add-content $report "border-top: 1px solid #999999;"
 add-content $report "border-right: 1px solid #999999;"
 add-content $report "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"
 add-content $report "border-left: 1px solid #999999;"
 add-content $report "padding-top: 0px;"
 add-content $report "padding-right: 0px;"
 add-content $report "padding-bottom: 0px;"
 add-content $report "padding-left: 0px;"
 add-content $report "}"
 add-content $report "body {"
 add-content $report "margin-left: 5px;"
 add-content $report "margin-top: 5px;"
 add-content $report "margin-right: 0px;"
 add-content $report "margin-bottom: 10px;"
 add-content $report ""
 add-content $report "table {"
 add-content $report "border: thin solid #000000;"
 add-content $report "}"
 add-content $report "-->"
 add-content $report "</style>"
 Add-Content $report "</head>"
 Add-Content $report "<body>"
 add-content $report "<table width='100%'>"
 add-content $report "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>"
 add-content $report "<td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>"
 add-content $report "<font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>Event Logs Collection From Server $s</strong></font>"
 add-content $report "</td>"
 add-content $report "</tr>"
 add-content $report "</table>"

 add-content $report "<table width='100%'>"
 Add-Content $report "<tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC>"
 Add-Content $report "<td width='20%' align='center'>Index</td>"
 Add-Content $report "<td width='20%' align='center'>Time</td>"
 Add-Content $report "<td width='20%' align='center'>EntryType</td>"
 Add-Content $report "<td width='20%' align='center'>Source</td>"
 Add-Content $report "<td width='20%' align='center'>InstanceID</td>"
 Add-Content $report "<td width='20%' align='center'>Message</td>"
 Add-Content $report "</tr>"

For ($count = 0; $count -lt $countarr;$count++)
  write-host "`n`nCollection Event Logs" $eventlogs[$count] "from Computer $s" -foregroundcolor yellow -backgroundcolor black
  $logs = get-eventlog -logname $eventlogs[$count] -computername $s
  Write-host "Processing" -foregroundcolor yellow -backgroundcolor black

  Foreach ($l in $logs)
  write-host $progress -nonewline -Foregroundcolor Green -backgroundcolor Black
  $index = $l.index
  $time = $l.timegenerated
  $Entrytype = $l.entrytype
  $Source = $l.source
  $InstanceID = $l.instanceID
  $Message = $l.message
  if ($entrytype -eq "Error")
  Add-Content $report "<tr>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FF0000'>$index</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>$time</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>$entrytype</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>$source</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>$InstanceID</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=center>$Message</td>"
  Add-Content $report "</tr>"
  if ($entrytype -eq "Warning")
  Add-Content $report "<tr>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FFF000'>$index</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FFF000' align=center>$time</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FFF000' align=center>$entrytype</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FFF000' align=center>$source</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FFF000' align=center>$InstanceID</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td bgcolor='#FFF000' align=center>$Message</td>"
  Add-Content $report "</tr>"
  if ($entrytype -eq "Information")
  Add-Content $report "<tr>"
  Add-Content $report "<td>$index</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td>$time</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td>$entrytype</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td>$source</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td>$InstanceID</td>"
  Add-Content $report "<td>$Message</td>"
  Add-Content $report "</tr>"
Add-content $report "</table>"
Add-Content $report "</body>"
Add-Content $report "</html>"