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Patrick Heyde

Living in Azure, Coming from SharePoint Support & SQL BI

Windows Azure Feature voting

Hallo @all, letztens bin ich über die Webseite gesurft: “Windows Azure Feature Voting” von der Azure...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/17/2012

Microsoft: Cloud Computing Hiring Event:

Hallo, am 26. & 27. Juli findet in Redmond (USA) ein Hiring Event statt. Die Product Group von...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/16/2012

Windows Azure auf Windows Server 2012 hosten

Hallo @all, auf der Microsoft World Partner Conference in Toronto hat Microsoft am Tag 2 eine...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/13/2012

Windows Azure – csupload: setup & How to

Hallo @all, [Update: You need this article in English? try bing translate: Link]...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/12/2012

Windows Azure – Create & Attach DataDisk an VM via PowerShell

Hallo @all, heute folgt das nächste Skript. Ich habe einen SQL Server 2012 im Einsatz und ich...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/11/2012

Windows Azure IaaS – Export/Dump all VM RDP Connections to Disk

Hallo @all, In Windows Azure verbindet man sich bei den Virtuellen Maschinen mittels einer...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/10/2012

Window Azure – Export all AzureVM Config

Hallo @all, aufbauend aus meinem letzten Blog Post habe ein Skript geschrieben um alle VMs in der...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/10/2012

Windows Azure und Powershell–How to

Hallo @all, [Update: you need this article in English? Try Bing Translate] nachdem ich die letzten...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/10/2012

Ist SharePoint 2010 & SQL Server 2012 – AlwaysOn Supported?

Hallo @all, vor kurzem habe ich eine Unterhaltung geführt mit der Fragestellung: Ist AlwaysOn...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 06/27/2012

Roadshow Recording zu “TechDay Best of Microsoft 2012” verfügbar

Hallo @all, in den letzten Wochen war ich auf der Roadshow TechDay: “Best of Microsoft 2012“...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 06/21/2012

SharePoint 2010 - Browser Support Matrix erweitert (+Mobile Devices)

Hallo @all, für SharePoint 2010 gibt es seit langer Zeit den Artikel über die Bowser Support Matrix,...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/30/2012

SQL Server 2012 Technical Upgrade Guide available

Hello @all, I’ve decided to write this post is in English,  because the following Guide is only...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/23/2012

Mein Webcast ist da: SharePoint Debugging mit Microsoft Public Symbols

Hallo @all, mit etwas Verzögerung ist er nun da, der Webcast “SharePoint Debugging...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/14/2012

SQL Azure Datenbank: Datenbankentwicklung–Was geht? Was geht nicht?

Hallo @all, ich habe vor ein paar Minuten meine SQL Server Skripte auf meinen SQL Azure Datenbank...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/10/2012

TechDay Roadshow “Best of Microsoft 2012”

Hallo @all, das Jahr 2012 ist ein spannendes Jahr, viele neue Produkte mit einer Menge neuer...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/09/2012

SQL Server 2012 – Was ist eine Sequenz & wie verwendet man Sequenzen?

Hallo @all, mit SQL Server 2012 gibt es ein neues Feature in T-SQL mit dem Namen Sequence oder im...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/08/2012

SQL Server 2012 – Überblick MCP Examen

Hi, mit dem SQL Server 2012 hat sich die MCP-Welt vergrößert. Mit dem Blogpost gebe ich einen...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/07/2012

Berchtesgaden: SQL Server 2012 & SharePoint Connections am 8.-9.Mai 2012

  Hi, am 8.-9. Mai 2012 findet die SQL Server 2012 & SharePoint Connections statt. Oder...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/02/2012

SQL Server 2012 & SharePoint 2010 better together videos (Sessions vom SQL Launch Köln )

  Hallo @all [Update: Hyperlinks geändert] die Sessions vom SQL Server 2012 Launch in Köln sind...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 04/17/2012

SQL Server 2012–free eBook available

  Hello @all, SQL Server 2012 is RTM and MS Press announced an eBook (MS Press Blog). The eBook...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 03/16/2012

Office Product Group announced Technical Preview of Office15, SharePoint15, Project15, Visio15, Exchange15, Lync15 for summer 2012

Hello, this is not technical content but I believe the community would like this: Talking to program...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 01/30/2012

Office 2010 + SharePoint 2010: Service Pack 1 available

  Hello @all, on 28th of June 2011 SharePoint/Office product group published Service Pack 1....

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/02/2011

SharePoint 2010 JuneCU 2011 available (+ side effect info & solution)

Hello @all, in my last post I wrote SP1 release, download and installation info. On the same day,...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/02/2011

Announcement: Service Pack 1 planed for end of June 2011 for Office 2010 & SharePoint 2010

  Hello @all, Office Product Group and SharePoint Product Group announced on TechEd Atlanta...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/17/2011

SharePoint PerformanceTester new version published

Hello @all, in the past I’ve created a little stress test tool to create traffic for...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 04/04/2011

good bye Office XP - end of Extended Support

Hello @all, here come a message from Office Product Group: ref.:...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 03/14/2011

SharePoint 2010 – User Profile Replication Engine (UPRE)–Troubleshooting

  Hello @all, it’s a long time ago as a wrote my last blog post… since November 2010 I have...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 03/14/2011

SharePoint 2010 – OctoberCU 2010 Side effect detected

hallo @all, in the last days the SharePoint product group post important information on the blog...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 11/08/2010

SharePoint 2007 and Internet Explorer 8 – side effect with Sign-in As different User

Hello @all, in the last weeks I could see a side effect with SharePoint 2007 and Internet Explorer...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 10/25/2010

SharePoint 2010 Upgrade (Part 3) – Path and Domain check for special characters

Hello @all, with upgrading SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 we need to check some parts on the...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 10/04/2010

SharePoint AugustCU2010 available

hello @all, yesterday the SharePoint Product group publish the AugustCU 2010 for SharePoint 2007 and...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 09/02/2010

SharePoint 2010 Patching/Upgrade (Part 2) – Which Patch-Level/Build-Level is installed & what’s their history?

Hello @all, after publishing the first Patch level of SharePoint 2010 (JuneCU 2010) i get some...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 08/30/2010

SharePoint 2010 - JuneCU 2010 released

Hello @all, [update 12.08.2010] last night the SharePoint product released the first cumulative...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/22/2010

SharePoint 2007 JuneCU 2010 released

Hello @all, last week the SharePoint product group publish the JuneCU for 2010. The Cumulative...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/08/2010

Install SharePoint 2010 with SQL Authentication

Hello, last time i get a nice question on my desk and could not find any documentation for this....

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 07/04/2010

SharePoint 2010 Language Pack – How to install & be aware of their limits

Hello @all, last time I've search a long time for SharePoint 2010 language packs. Now I've found the...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/31/2010

Advanced Maintenance for SharePoint Databases – Defrag, update index

Hello @all, this post is an addition of my last post of: How to defrag sharepoint databases In the...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/27/2010

SharePoint Performance Troubleshooting – part 2

Hello, after publishing performanceTester in my last post Sharepoint performancetester identify your...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 05/08/2010

SharePoint PerformanceTester - Identify your bottleneck / bottlenecks

Hello, today i want to publish my next tool “PerformanceTester”, which I used in the...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 04/21/2010

Install SharePoint 2010 without internet access

Hello @all, during last time i get the question, how to install SharePoint 2010 without internet...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 03/01/2010

MOSS2007 next Cumulative Update FebCU2010 available

Hello @all, with build number 12.0000.6529.5000 the product group shipped the next cumulative...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 02/25/2010

SharePoint 2007 – Improve ASP.NET Session State performance

Hello @all, today i want to show you a nice fine tuning option for the ASP.NET Session. You all know...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 12/22/2009

Office/SharePoint 2010 Developer Training Kit available

Hello @all, in my email inbox i found i interesting email. After ready I try this and for every...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 12/22/2009

SharePoint 2007 – DecemberCU available

Hello, last week the SharePoint product group publish the December Cumulative Update for December...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 12/21/2009


Microsoft Deutschland GmbHKonrad-Zuse-Straße 185716 Unterschleißheim Tel.: +49-89-3176-0Fax:...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 12/08/2009

SharePoint 2010 – get Search configuration over Powershell

Hello, today it’s time to play a bit with Powershell and focus on the SharePoint Search. First...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 12/07/2009

SharePoint 2010 – Public Beta available

Hello, now it’s time to play with SharePoint 2010. The product group release the Public Beta for WSS...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 11/19/2009

Identify and Enumerate Publishing Pages on Site Collection

Hello, last time i need to identify all Publishing Pages in a site collection and do some actions on...

Author: PatrickHeyde Date: 11/17/2009

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