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IE VPC's - Which Ones Next?

Apologies for going dark the last little while, I'm going to do my best to change that again.  Lots of stuff going on here that I'm really excited about, but before I get into that, I want to do an unscientific survey.

 We currently offer developers and designers the following VPC images:

  • XP + SP2 with IE6
  • XP + SP2 with IE7

We're looking at the next batch now, and I'm curious, if we were to add one more, which of the following would you prefer?

  • Vista with IE7
  • Vista + SP1 with IE7

Also, if you're a Mac user, and want to see either VPC images compressed with ZIP, or Parallels users, a comment would be appreciated.  No promises on these, I just want to understand what is more important to you.
