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I am now having nightmares about Public Folders...

Another Public Folder migration/permission issue

Well, I am a day behind again....hopefully I will catch up this afternoon and post today ABOUT today ;o)

Yesterday I had another issue with Public Folders and permissions.  Anytime that the terms MFCMAPI, PFDavAdmin and LegacyDN are used in the same afraid, be very afraid!  Do a quick search with "your favorite internet search engine" on each of those terms and I think they all are "not supported" or "best effort" or "not avaialable in some states".  Anyway the issue was similar to my post on 10-3-05 titled "Public Folder Migration Woes..." where we were basically migrating Exchange public folder data from Domain A to Domain B.  As you can see, this process can be tricky if the folders on the original server have been ACL'ed down, are corrupt or if the original public folders are just plain in a bad mood.  The takeaway is that if you are doing this process, try to keep the original Exchange server available so you can always go back and "try again".  The Public Folder permissions issues only seem to come up during migrations from Domain A to Domain B.  If you are joining an existing site with a new Exchange server as part of your migration (swing migration, manual dcpromo, going away from sbs, whatever) you should NOT have any of these problems.


Have a good day!
