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Welcome to my blog!

Hello, my name is Peter and I'm a recovering ex-softie.  I returned a few months ago to Microsoft after a little more than two years away from the company.  I graduated with a BS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech (I'm also a diehard hokie fan) in 2002.  I was a three-time intern before joining Microsoft in as a developer on the Visual C++ project system team.  During that time I contributed to Visual C++ 2002, 2003, and 2005.

I return as a developer on the diagnostics team that is part of Team Developer (Visual Studio Team Edition for Developers), or TeamDev as we like to call it.  The diagnostics team owns the debugger, profiler, and code coverage tools within Visual Studio.  I am responsible for the code coverage tools and that will be the primary focus of this blog.  I will try to also talk about the great things the rest of TeamDev is doing as there are some fantastic things in the works for both Orcas and beyond.

I am by no means a prolific blogger, but I will try to get some good content sooner than later :).