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Heartbeat from the Datacenter

All Posts are provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

B.I.T.S - Background Intelligent Transfer Service - is also utilized by VMM for a.e. file transfer...

Date: 02/19/2018

  1. start an elevated command prompt and turn on debugging bcdedit /debug on 2) configure debugger to...

Date: 12/18/2017

[notranslate] integration components are a good indicator of the health of a VM as it can tell us OS...

Date: 12/18/2017

This feature is now GA and available in Azure. For some specific scenarios I do see a great benefit...

Date: 11/15/2017

WOW! This is really a great development and I do have some personal relationship to Cray computers...

Date: 10/24/2017

We see often alerts in SCOM around "NTFS - Write Delayed Lost" which is worth to investigate further...

Date: 10/17/2017

The issue arises if the delta and the full cumulative update for October (KB4041691...

Date: 10/16/2017

sharing a quick fix as I couldn't find easily information on how to get rid of this error. This also...

Date: 10/06/2017

There is no direct Powershell module for HP servers available yet but the CLI tools can help us...

Date: 09/04/2017

[notranslate]At the end of the day - it's all about Security! Cybersecurity is getting Prio1 is many...

Date: 08/31/2017

Welcome to Technet

Date: 08/30/2017

Due to ongoing “WannaCrypt” attacks highly recommended to review if you rely on SMBv1, this feature...

Date: 05/15/2017

Below you can find a quick summary to identify the version by the build number, added also latest...

Date: 03/31/2017

Operations Manager is the monitoring component from the System Center suite. Honestly one of the...

Date: 03/29/2017

Windows is usually good enough for simple network load balancing methods, networking people know...

Date: 03/28/2017

here is a simple example how WMI queries can be call’d from powershell. this one is just an example...

Date: 03/27/2017

After I updated the SQL management pack to latest release we did saw below error related to SCOM DW...

Date: 03/15/2017

After you change password for your service accounts for SCOM you can hit below issue if you have...

Date: 03/15/2017

For those of you who haven’t been able to keep up with all of the new scenarios and features Windows...

Date: 08/26/2016

BIGIP one of the best hardware load balancers I used but sometimes the default configuration can’t...

Date: 08/19/2016

in previous post “Azure Powershell Part 1” we setup and establish a connection to Azure through...

Date: 06/07/2016

Using Powershell in Azure is a powerful and quick way to script and automate frequent coming tasks....

Date: 06/07/2016

Microsoft Azure, formerly known as Windows Azure, is Microsoft's public cloud computing platform. It...

Date: 06/07/2016

Microsoft has released the latest Developers Guides on Azure eBook –. It covers the latest Azure...

Date: 05/18/2016

there is no more the need to keep your own lists of clustering patches as this is now summarized in...

Date: 04/27/2016

3000850 is a recommended rollup for failover clusters. beside few others a lot of fixes around...

Date: 12/04/2014

This script relies the Hyper-V clusters are been managed by VMM but if you do not use VMM you can...

Date: 12/04/2014

Running Antivirus software is critical part of server security but it is also important to...

Date: 09/25/2014

really a quick one and straight forward but sometimes very useful. here is a quick example how you...

Date: 07/04/2014

Compare patches between computers? Here is a quick and easy way how you can verify this with...

Date: 07/04/2014

Host Memory Pressure – I think this is one of the keys (in addition to storage, network, CPU) in...

Date: 06/16/2014

Checkout KB2920151 for getting a comprehensive list of the recommended hotfixes and updates for...

Date: 05/20/2014

Consider scenario, you “balanced” your VMs across your nodes and you come back in the morning and...

Date: 04/07/2014

Sharing some personal experience from previous benchmarks. Here are some general guidelines for...

Date: 09/16/2013

I’m typically a keyboard user and try to find short ways to my required actions. The comprehensive...

Date: 04/30/2013

On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will end support for the decade-old Windows XP and Office 2003. This...

Date: 04/12/2013

I love the “unknown” error things but as all of us know you can NOT handle all error conditions...

Date: 03/20/2013

Since Windows 2008 the “oldschool” and well known 2003 terminal services are extended on rich web...

Date: 03/18/2013

NetApp has released a new version of their MPIO DSM (Version 3.5) which does include several fixes...

Date: 11/08/2011

Very often I do need to configure NIC teams with HP hardware with Cisco or Procurve networking...

Date: 08/06/2011

Powershell is a really powerful toy for any Windows administrator where tasks need to be automated...

Date: 08/05/2011

Failover Clustering reliability and stability is also “strongly” dependent on the underlying...

Date: 07/25/2011

Generally this questions is currently a well discussed topic in my customer scenarios therefore I...

Date: 07/15/2011

Very often it is required to generate cluster log if the eventlog information’s are not enough to...

Date: 07/02/2011

Microsoft has released updated documents for host and capacity planning as well step-by-step...

Date: 06/14/2011

You are working as a trusted DBA responsible for some extremely important SQL Servers for your...

Date: 06/14/2011

Cisco has published an really useful whitepaper around networking deployments with their Cisco gear...

Date: 06/06/2011

Tony Voellm has left Microsoft is his previous role as Hyper-V Performance Lead. He had given great...

Date: 06/05/2011
