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Windows Server Solutions BPA Updated June 2012

[Today's post comes to us courtesy of Shammi Dua and Charanjeet Singh from Commercial Technical Support]

Update Rollup 3 for WSSG BPA (KB 2699813) is now available via Microsoft Updates, along with its installation tool (KB 2698659).

How to get BPA Update Rollup

SBS 2011 Standard:

  1. By default, Microsoft Update points to the WSUS service in SBS 2011 standard. This update will show up in Admin Console’s Update tab to allow you to apply this update. Then this update will be shown available in Microsoft Update to be installed.

  2. You can also get this update by including Microsoft Update.

    In SBS 2011 Standard, launch Windows Update and select the option to Check online for updates from Windows Update. Then click the option for "Get updates for other Microsoft products" and complete the process to opt-in for Microsoft Updates.


SBS 2011 Essentials, Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials and Windows Multipoint Server 2011:

  1. Please go to Windows Update and find out more about free software from Microsoft Update, and click “Click here for details”. And follow the steps to get patches from Microsoft Update. If you already include the Microsoft Update, you can ignore this step.

  2. Go to Windows update and click “Check for updates” to get the updates.


New Rules added

There are 49 new rules added in this release of the WSSG BPA. With this, we now have 202 total number of checks.

Small Business Server 2011 Standard 188
Small Business Server 2011 Essentials 107
Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials 51
Windows MultiPoint Server 2011 10

Small Business Server 2011 Standard

  • ASRBackup - Backup fails because of a hidden partition
  • ExchConsistencyBackup - Back fails because the Exchange transaction log is missing or corrupted
  • SQLWriterBackup - Backup fails because of SQL writer issue
  • BackupSuccessful - Last backup attempt failed
  • OWAAppPoolIdentity - OWA app pool identity is not running under the default setting
  • OWAAppPoolFramework - OWA App pool .NET Framework is not using the default setting
  • OWAAppPoolPipeline - OWA App pool pipeline is not using the default setting
  • OWAAppPoolBitness - OWA App pool bitness option is not set to the default
  • ExchTransStartMode - Exchange transport start mode is not set to the default
  • ExchTransStarted - Exchange Transport service is not running
  • ExchTransStartName - Exchange Transport service account is not using the default account.
  • OnlyUseLatestCLR - OnlyUseLatestCLR registry value is incorrectly set to 1
  • NTBackupInstalled - NT Backup is installed
  • IISPortOwnership - IIS does not own port 80 ( or 443(
  • DefWebStarted - Default website is not running in SBS 2011
  • ReadScriptPerms - Read and Script permissions on the /remote virtual directory are incorrect
  • HTTPRedirect - On the /remote virtual directory, HTTP Redirect is set or inherited
  • HostHeaderDefWeb - Host header on default website for port 80
  • PowershellSSL - PowerShell virtual directory is not using the default SSL settings
  • O365ProviderSvcStartName - Office 365 Provider service not using default account
  • O365ProviderSvcStarted - Office 365 Provider service not started
  • O365ProviderSvcStartMode - Office 365 Provider service not default start mode
  • WSUSGPs - One or more WSUS Group Policies are missing
  • RPCWebSite - Website registry value under RpcProxy set to “Default Web Site”
  • KerbAuthModule - Default website has the KerbAuth module enabled
  • WSManModule - Default website has the WSMan module enabled on it
  • SPFarmADGroups - The account that is used as the SharePoint Farm account is missing one or more group memberships
  • SPWebAppADGroups - The account that is used as the SharePoint Web Application account is missing one or more group memberships
  • SPSearchADGroups - The account that is used as the SharePoint Search account is missing one or more group memberships
  • SPFarmSQLSvrRoles - The account that is used as the SharePoint Farm account is missing one or more SQL Server roles
  • WebConfigWWWRoot - Web.config file in the Default website's physical directory
  • MaxReceiveSize - One or more receive connector's MaxMessageSize does not match the get-transportconfig MaxReceiveSize
  • MaxSendSize - One or more send connector's MaxMEssageSize does not match the get-transportconfig MaxSendSize
  • EWSMaxReqLength - The /EWS virtual directories maxRequestLength doesn't match the get-transportconfig MaxSendSize
  • WSUSGroups - One or more of the default WSUS groups are missing
  • WBEngineStartMode - The Block Level Backup Engine Services service is not using the default start mode
  • WBEngineStartName - The Block Level Backup Engine Service service is not set to the default startup account
  • ConnectCert - The common name on the certificate that is bound to the WSS Certificate Web Service website does not match the server name
  • RDGatewayCert - The certificate for the Remote Desktop Gateway service seems to be bound incorrectly
  • RemoteDomainExist - One or more email-enabled document libraries exist, but the Windows SBS Company Web Domain remote domain does not
  • RemoteDomainTNEF - The Windows SBS Company Web Domain remote domain does not have TNEFEnabled set to $false
  • Framework11 - .NET Framework v1.1 is installed

Small Business Server 2011 Essentials

  • ASRBackup - Backup fails because of a hidden partition
  • BackupSuccessful - Last backup attempt failed
  • NTBackupInstalled - NT Backup is installed
  • IISPortOwnership - IIS does not own port 80 ( or 443(
  • DefWebStarted - Default website is not running in SBS 2011
  • ReadScriptPerms - Read and Script permissions on the /remote virtual directory are incorrect
  • HTTPRedirect - On the /remote virtual directory, HTTP Redirect is set or inherited
  • HostHeaderDefWeb - Host header on default website for port 80
  • O365ProviderSvcStartName - Office 365 Provider service not using default account
  • O365ProviderSvcStarted - Office 365 Provider service not started
  • O365ProviderSvcStartMode - Office 365 Provider service not default start mode
  • WBEngineStartMode - The Block Level Backup Engine Services service is not using the default start mode
  • WBEngineStartName - The Block Level Backup Engine Service service is not set to the default startup account
  • ConnectCert - The common name on the certificate that is bound to the WSS Certificate Web Service website does not match the server name
  • RDGatewayCert - The certificate for the Remote Desktop Gateway service seems to be bound incorrectly
  • Framework11 - .NET Framework v1.1 is installed

Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials

  • NTBackupInstalled - NT Backup is installed
  • IISPortOwnership - IIS does not own port 80 ( or 443(
  • DefWebStarted - Default website is not running in SBS 2011
  • ReadScriptPerms - Read and Script permissions on the /remote virtual directory are incorrect
  • HTTPRedirect - On the /remote virtual directory, HTTP Redirect is set or inherited
  • HostHeaderDefWeb - Host header on default website for port 80
  • WBEngineStartMode - The Block Level Backup Engine Services service is not using the default start mode
  • WBEngineStartName - The Block Level Backup Engine Service service is not set to the default startup account
  • ConnectCert - The common name on the certificate that is bound to the WSS Certificate Web Service website does not match the server name
  • RDGatewayCert - The certificate for the Remote Desktop Gateway service seems to be bound incorrectly
  • Framework11 - .NET Framework v1.1 is installed

Windows MultiPoint Server 2011

  • MMSBeta - Microsoft MultiPoint 2011 Server appears to be a beta version

Bug Fixes

Other than the rules, the update also includes some fixes .