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Tech Ed 2009 Demo Files

It is always a blast to talk at Tech Ed and this year was no different.  It was great to get to meet many of you and hear how you are using DataGrid, DataForm, Validation, and RIA Services in your projects today. 

As promised, here are the files for the demos that I showed in my presentations.

All demos were done on the MIX’09 Silverlight Beta bits and accompanying tools:

WUX 303: Building Data-Driven RIAs with Microsoft ASP.NET and Microsoft Silverlight

What we covered:

  • Navigation, browser integration, permalinks
  • Domain methods, filtering, paging, grouping, sorting
  • Adding validation metadata
  • Windows Authentication
  • Writing a different view in ASP.Net and SEO

Watch It: (Right now it is restricted to Tech Ed attendees)


WUX 308: Delivering Rich User Experiences for Business Applications with Microsoft Silverlight 3

What we covered:

  • Customizing the DataGrid: TemplateColumns, Row Details, events in template columns
  • Charts
  • Custimizing the DataForm: Using the Display attribute, the Display / Edit templates
  • Writing a custom cross-field validation method
  • Export to Excel
  • DataGrid Copy / Paste with Excel
  • Going out of browser

Watch It: (Right now it is restricted to Tech Ed attendees) 


Note: If you get a reference error for the Activity control, re-add the dll that is included in the zip.
