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Scott Woodgate's OutBursts

Happy New Year - Virtual PC 2007 Release Candidate ready for download

Version 6.0.142 is now on the connect site. Go get it. The Release candidate includes one new...

Author: scottwoo Date: 01/02/2007

Virtual PC 2007 Beta is available - Get going with Windows Vista Today

We have released Virtual PC 2007 Beta. It has support for Windows Vista as a guest and as a host,...

Author: scottwoo Date: 10/11/2006

VPC free download; Vista EE 4 VM rights; Interested in a Virtual Role?

The last 6 months have been a lot of fun. On the downside I've attended exactly zero conferences -...

Author: scottwoo Date: 07/12/2006

New BizTalk Server Blog

If you enjoyed my blog please go here for more :). I'm having fun working in Windows Planning. More...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/25/2006

My New Years Resolution And Thanks

Well over 5 years ago I joined the nascent BizTalk Server team. One of the reasons I came to...

Author: scottwoo Date: 01/01/2006

Launch, Launch, Launch

In my 5 years in the business, today is the today I'm most proud of. Not because we are finished...

Author: scottwoo Date: 11/07/2005

Unofficial Abbreviation for Windows Workflow Foundation is now simply WF

Is it KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken? Well in that case legally it doesn't matter because the same...

Author: scottwoo Date: 10/13/2005

Week of Workflow Webcasts Ongoing

Paul has a week of workflow web-casts on going for those of you who missed PDC or missed our...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/27/2005

Super cool jobs available: Senior Workflow Technical Product Manager & Adapter Product Manager

Now the cat is out of the bag on a couple of areas (Workflow and Adapters) where we need some more...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/21/2005

My Hotel Room at PDC - perfect spot for a Windows Workflow Foundation video shoot.

It was pretty noisy, because the blue elevator was right outside. Sound like a page out of Charlie...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/20/2005

Competitive Analysis: Choosing BizTalk Server Over IBM WebSphere Integration Server v5

This documents helps you understand the key technologies from Microsoft and IBM in the integration...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/19/2005

BizTalk Server Futures: BizTalk Server Solution Designer

We had a bunch of fun recording this video for channel 9 on the BizTalk Server Solution Designer...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/16/2005

Channel 9 Windows Workflow Foundation Article Now Live

Check it out here:

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/14/2005

Windows Workflow Foundation added to WinFX!! - FREE book if you are at PDC

3 years of development, lots of feedback from our TAP partners and internal groups such as Office...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/14/2005

My 5 years @ Microsoft and PDC

Tommorrow I start my sixth year at Microsoft. I can certainly sympathesize with those whose...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/12/2005

Microsoft’s Business Process, Integration and Workflow Conference

Microsoft’s Business Process, Integration and Workflow Conference is your chance to hear about...

Author: scottwoo Date: 09/02/2005

Sun, surf's up, first a Loadfest and now a Loadgen

Sunny Seattle is not a myth. I should always plant grass seed on July 21st because to date it has...

Author: scottwoo Date: 08/26/2005


I did a quick podcast at techEd EMEA that touches on developer basics for BizTalk Server, and some...

Author: scottwoo Date: 08/03/2005

Adapters, adapters, adapters

In more good news today we announced our revamped adapter strategy. Yes you asked for the major...

Author: scottwoo Date: 08/02/2005

Of lazy hazy summer days and the BizTalk Server 2006 Beta

I took the whole week off from work last week and the wet weather had a week off too! I was soooo...

Author: scottwoo Date: 07/25/2005

Last chance to get discounted BizTalk Server 2004 Deep Dive training this summer!

The BizTalk product group is sponsoring a limited number of discounted seats for BizTalk Server 2004...

Author: scottwoo Date: 07/06/2005

We do listen, really - just ask Edgardo

We released the CTP release of BizTalk Server 2006 at TechEd USA. Almost immediately Edgardo Vega...

Author: scottwoo Date: 07/06/2005

Jobs available on my team!: Technical Product Manager of BizTalk Server

Do you believe in the power of workflow and business process? Do you love to drive business strategy...

Author: scottwoo Date: 06/22/2005

Whitepaper: Understanding Microsoft's Integration Technologies

This whitepaper is a collaborative effort between members of the MSMQ, "Indigo", SQL SSIS, SQL SSB,...

Author: scottwoo Date: 06/08/2005

BizTalk Server 2006 CTP Build 1008.0 & Monday Night 6-9pm LoadFest/Free T's Room N329

Releasing software is an interesting, entertaining and always complex process. Lots of things need...

Author: scottwoo Date: 06/02/2005

BizTalk Server 2006 Rolling Thunder #6: Monitoring, Applications & Deployment

Welcome to the final rolling thunder post for BizTlak Server 2006, we haven't covered off all the...

Author: scottwoo Date: 06/02/2005

BizTalk Server 2006: Rolling Thunder #5: Runtime Improvements

This time around it is runtime improvements. My favourite feature in runtime improvements is...

Author: scottwoo Date: 06/02/2005

BizTalk Server 2006 Rolling Thunder #4: Developer Tools

Today is likely to be the hottest May 27th in Seattle weather history. Not bad for the day before a...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/27/2005

BizTalk Server 2006 Rolling Thunder #2: Adapter Enhancements

Here we go again. This time learn all about the adapter enhancements in BizTalk Server 2006. Details...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/19/2005

BizTalk Server 2006 Rolling Thunder #1: Setup and Migration

Two weeks late, after stunning rolling silence and a few people questioning directly and through my...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/16/2005

BizTalk and BPI at TechEd going out in force!

With Tech Ed less than a month away, I wanted to provide you an update on the Business Process and...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/16/2005

BizTalk Server Spring Deep Dive Training Offer

These are the courses we sponsored for free for a number of iterations. Feedback from partners who...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/28/2005

BizTalk Server 2006 Rolling Thunder and Dev Competition ($50k, product prizes etc)

Firstly, last years developer competition was so much fun we are doing it again but bigger. This...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/27/2005

Performance Blog

Pretty much everyone should read Wayne's first posting in the new BizTalk Server 2004 performance...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/08/2005

BizTalk Server Adapter for "Indigo" CTP build snapshot available

We have been collaborating with regional director Morten Abrahamsen (aka Morty) on an Indigo Adapter...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/05/2005

Career opportunity: Driving BizTalk Server technical sales and strategy in the East Coast and Central Coast

Both of these jobs report to my good friend John Wyss in Redmond although you would be physically...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/04/2005

I'm still alive! 5 New Whitepapers for Community Review

Its been a while, and I've been working on multiple exciting projects - mostly NDA - as well as...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/04/2005

5 New Whitepapers for Community Review

Its been a while, and I've been working on multiple exciting projects - mostly NDA - as well as...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/04/2005

BizTalk Static Oracle Adapter Sample

The Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 Adapter for oracle uses ADO.NET. The idea is developing an easy to...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/22/2005

Going big at TechEd

Yumay on my team is working with lots of you (thanks for helping!) on TechEd and we really hope we...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/18/2005

Various corrections etc.

  1. The free stuff below is unfortunately restricted to US only. Having said that there is still...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/16/2005
