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Scott Woodgate's OutBursts

Building Your First Business Process (MSDN TV)

Scott Woodgate shows how easy it is to build a business process using Visual Studio .NET and BizTalk...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/20/2004

Its all about security: BizTalk Server 2004 and Windows XP SP2

Just getting ahead of the game. When you install SP2 RC or later you will need to tweak a registry...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/19/2004

Upcoming Local BizTalk Server Developer Events

May 20 Houston...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/18/2004

Announcing: BizTalk Server 2004 Configuration Management Report Generator w/SQL Reporting Services support

Any of this sound familiar to you? I wish I could report on the relationship between my BizTalk...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/18/2004

Long break between drinks

I'm finally back in the USA after taking a few days off in sunny (and super hot) Egypt. The...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/17/2004

First 4 chapters of integration patterns PAG are live

Check it out here. The remaining chapters are coming. The integration PAG is broader than BizTalk...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/05/2004

Want to learn how to build adapters - the adapter web-cast is a must

May 7th at 1pm PST. Ruslan will give you a deep technical runthough on the adapter framework. Check...

Author: scottwoo Date: 05/04/2004

Spring cleaning! Add your Blog/Sample URL below

It feels like spring! I just ran around Greenlake and was honoured by the presence of a bald-eagle....

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/25/2004

Corrections to InfoPath/HWS Example (look below in my blog)

A. It asks you to define a Status element in the ActionSection: 1. Right-click the ActionSection...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/23/2004

InfoWorld BizTalk Server 2004 Review Tom Yager's excellent review of BizTalk...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/23/2004

Dealing with Simple Types values returning from Web Services

Say you have a web-service with a simple return type (such as an integer) and you want to consume...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/22/2004

The Role of BPEL in Business Process Integration

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is a vendor-neutral mechanism for describing the...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/21/2004

InfoPath SP1 and BizTalk (HWS) Workflow article/hands-on lab

That was nice and timely wasn't it. Step by step instructions on how to use InfoPath SP1 with...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/20/2004

Announcing: May BizTalk Server Web-Casts

MSDN Webcast: Migrating from BizTalk Server 2002 to 2004May 03, 20049:00 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/19/2004

BizTalk Server and InfoPath Samples Enclosed

Before using these go listen to my BizTalk Server and InfoPath WebCast which shows them all in...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/19/2004

Don't forget: BTS/InfoPath WebCast tommorrow

I'm working the weekend building up some samples that are a little easier to re-distribute. Update:...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/18/2004

And some more: updated tutorial

Had hoped to get this one out on the 9th. Its up now here. Don't forget to get the updated SDK to...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/15/2004

More goodies: BizTalk Server 2004 Management Pack for MOM

The BizTalk Server 2004 Management Pack is a set of instructions that define how to monitor and...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/13/2004

Getting setup right - common pitfall (I)

If you are wondering why VS.NET doesn't let you debug, or why the web services wizard isn't working...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/07/2004

BizTalk Server 2004 Updates Available Now

BizTalk Server Orchestration Designer for Business Analysts The Orchestration Designer for business...

Author: scottwoo Date: 04/02/2004

eWeek BTS 2004 eWEEK Labs' Analyst's Choice,1759,1557661,00.asp

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/30/2004

Hub and Spoke or Message Bus Architectures are as legacy as tape and vinyl

Philosophy was never my strong point (although I can tell you anything you need about electrophilic...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/30/2004

BizTalk Server MSDN Webcasts Round 2

I'm on holiday in Greece. Finally will return to the office on Monday and catch up with many of...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/27/2004

SQL Adapter sample

previously posted with the labs but highlighting here because lots of folks keep asking me for...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/11/2004

Convoy sample

Thanks to Dan from Covarity for this one. It uses MSMQT as a transport. Enjoy.

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/10/2004

One more thing, nominations for future web-casts

Thanks for all the feedback that these were useful. What topics would you like to see covered that...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/09/2004

Correlation and SOAP fault and SOAP header samples/powerpoints from the web-casts

I used these in the web-casts below and have had numerous requests for them. There is a correlation...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/09/2004

Missed the webcasts last week? You missed out, but you can see them all on-demand

MSDN Webcast: Getting up to speed with BizTalk Server 2004 for the Visual Studio .NET Developer MSDN...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/08/2004

Tommorrow's web cast on Orchestration

Every wondered what a Convoy was? We will cover it tommorrow but here is a slide deck with...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/02/2004

BizTalk Server 2004 RTM for MSDN Download Subscribers

Just finished an email thread with the MSDN folks. You should see them appear around noon PST...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/01/2004

Announcing: BizTalk Server 2004 Adapter for SharePoint Libraries available now

. BizTalk Server 2004 now integrates with SharePoint as follows: With the newly released BizTalk...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/01/2004

Don't forget MSDN WebCasts for the BizTalk Server Developer Blitz start tommorrow

See you there. Oh btw if you are installing BizTalk Server 2004 on a DC please give network service...

Author: scottwoo Date: 03/01/2004

Makes you proud to be a Kiwi

Peter Jackson et. al take the show at the Oscars with all 11 for 11. That puts LOTR right up there...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/29/2004

BTS2004 Delivery Notifications

Scenario: You create a business process that receives a message and send it to multiple target...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/25/2004

Anyone feeling like a good old fashioned competition?

Ali-Frazer; Coyotte-Roadrunner; NZ-SA Rugby; Hillary-Everest. All great competitions. I just love...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/23/2004

MSDN BizTalk Server 2004 Developer Blitz Week

I promised an update later today, but I didn't expect to get the information that fast. Here is the...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/19/2004

BizTalk Server 2004 Launch

As you may have read in the press we are launching the product on March 2nd. I just got back from...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/19/2004

BizTalk Server will split up your documents for you.

Lots of people have asked me how you split up a documents. You don't have to write code for this it...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/06/2004

BTS2004 explorer extension

Hi from the South of France where we are running another hard-core training course on BizTalk Server...

Author: scottwoo Date: 02/04/2004

We are getting there

We burned a release candidate a while ago, and are on the march to RTM. Things are looking really...

Author: scottwoo Date: 01/28/2004

Of New Year's resolutions

  1. Post more sample code. On that note here is a sample (thanks Prasad) to show you how to create a...

Author: scottwoo Date: 01/12/2004

BizTalk Server 2004 book

A number of folks are working on a BizTalk Server 2004 book. It definitely won't be out in January...

Author: scottwoo Date: 12/09/2003

Job: BizTalk Server Product Planner Needed

Is this an abuse of blogs? Well maybe, but this has to be one of the coolest jobs in the IT world;...

Author: scottwoo Date: 12/08/2003

BizTalk Server 2004 MVPs

We are searching for five elite BizTalk Server experts to nominate as our...

Author: scottwoo Date: 12/02/2003

So, um, what do we do next?

Well congrats England, I never thought it would happen.  Now the rugby is over I'll settle into...

Author: scottwoo Date: 11/24/2003


What is worse that the All Black's losing the semi-finals? Watching the All Blacks lose in a...

Author: scottwoo Date: 11/17/2003

Where do you watch rugby in Copenhagen?

So I'm stranded in pretty Copenhagen until Saturday morning hoping that I can catch the All Blacks...

Author: scottwoo Date: 11/13/2003

Want the get the PDC Training Material on BizTalk Server?

Michael is our superstar Technical Product Manager and owns all the training, readiness and just...

Author: scottwoo Date: 11/07/2003

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