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Script Junkie

Serious Web Development

Understanding jQuery's Data API's

jQuery's Core Team Member, Dave Methvin has a great write up on called "Using...

Author: Ralph Whitbeck Date: 09/02/2011

Spin.js makes Animated Gifs Old School

In most web apps, when an Ajax request is done, developers will use an animated gif image (AKA...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 08/30/2011

Using and Writing Polyfills for Building Modern Applications

HTML5 is the hot topic these days. Everybody wants to use the cool features and enhance their sites....

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 08/19/2011

HTML5-Powered VNC Implementation noVNC Let's You Access Remote Systems

I'm constantly amazed at what developers are able to accomplish now with browser-based technologies....

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 08/18/2011

Expression Web 4 SP2 Brings the jQuery Goodness and Interactive Snapshot for Debugging

Microsoft released Expression Web 4 SP2 and it brings a host of nice features. The two that I'm...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 07/13/2011

New Release of LABjs Script Loader. Improved Chaining Support, Feature detection, DEBUG mode and more.

Great news! Kyle Simpson, author of the highly popular and useful LABjs dynamic script loader, just...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 07/13/2011

Cloud-based Development via Node.js and Cloud9 IDE Integration Coming Soon

We all know that Node.js and Cloud9 IDE are both hot bits of technology so it should come as no...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 07/12/2011

Evaluating jQuery Plugins for Use in your Projects

I just found, what looks like an, awesome HTML5 Uploader jQuery Plugin in my Twitter feed and my...

Author: Ralph Whitbeck Date: 07/11/2011

Buzz Makes it Easy to Use HTML5 Audio

Jay Salvat has produced some amazing jQuery plugins before and his latest library continues in that...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 07/08/2011

Another Great JavaScript Learning Center Launches...and it's Free!

Everyone wants to learn JavaScript now. It's the cool language and the language that's powering a...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 07/08/2011

IE10 Platform Preview 2 is Out with More HTML5 and CSS3 Goodness

The IE team has just announced the release of IE10 Platform Preview 2 and it's chock full of HTML5...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/29/2011

Tutorial: Making a Canvas Snake Game

Everyone's excited about the gaming possibilities that HTML5 brings, especially via the Canvas...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/24/2011

GitHub for Mac Looks Sweet...and it's FREE!

I have to say I'm just a little jealous at the announcement by the GitHub team. They've just...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/23/2011

HTML5 and its Impact on SEO

Seach engine pptimization (SEO) is incredibly important to a lot of site owners and so it makes...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/22/2011

Want to Learn jQuery Online? Check out Code School

Gregg Pollack of Envy Labs emailed me recently to give me the heads up about his new online learning...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/14/2011

Classic Computer Science in JavaScript

Ah, remember the good ole college days where you had to code in CICS and Cobol? No? Um...okay I'm...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/13/2011

HTML5 Snippets

I stumbled upon this cool project site via Twitter this morning,

Author: Ralph Whitbeck Date: 06/09/2011

Want to Learn Canvas? You Need to Get this Book.

The HTML5 Canvas element and API have become indespensible for developers who want to build...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/09/2011

W3C Media Capture API Prototype for IE9 Released

Claudio Caldato of Microsoft's Interoperability team announced yesterday that they've released for...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 06/08/2011

Windows 8 Previewed - HTML5 and JavaScript Apps

A preview demonstration of Windows 8 at the D9 Conference is causing a lot of discussion this week....

Author: Ralph Whitbeck Date: 06/03/2011

Build Canvas-based Heatmaps with Heatmap.js

I've always loved Crazyegg's heatmap functionality. It's a very cool method of seeing where users...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 05/31/2011

The Script Junkie Blog is Live! The New Source for JavaScript, HTML and CSS Community News.

When we launched Script Junkie last June, our focus was (and still is) to provide in-depth articles...

Author: Rey.Bango Date: 05/26/2011