diff in PowerShell
I have previously shown a variety of sed implemented in PowerShell. Here is another tool from the same series: diff in PowerShell. It's not fancy and not fast but it does the basic work, and is fully portable in PowerShell. Took me about a couple of hours to write. It gets used like this:
$diff = Find-DiffSimple -Left (Get-Content -Encoding $Encoding $ExpectFile) -Right (Get-Content -Encoding $Encoding $ResultFile)
The format of the data returned is like the classic diff, before the Context and Unified versions.
And here is the implementation that includes a couple of helper functions:
function Find-DiffSimple
Find the difference between two arrays of strings, in a simple
quick-and-dirty way.
The algorithm is kind of dumb, using a limited window.
The strings marked with direction.
## The strings on the left side.
[string[]] $Left,
## The strings on the right side side.
[string[]] $Right,
## The maximum number of strings that can be under
## consideration at the moment. Any longer differeing elements
## will be broken up into the chunks of this size.
## Must be at least 2.
[int32] $MaxWindow = 10000,
## Print the equal lines as well.
[bool] $PrintEqual = $false,
## Print the position
[bool] $PrintPos = $true
if ($MaxWindow -lt 2) {
$MaxWindow = 2 # otherwise the logic doesn't make sense
# all the data is symmetric, stored in arrays with index 0 (left) or 1(right)
$data = @( $Left, $Right )
[int32[]]$sz = @( $Left.Length, $Right.Length )
[int32[]]$pos = @( 0, 0 ) # position for reading the next line
[int32[]]$bp = @( 0, 0 ) # position of the first buffered line
$buf = @( @{}, @{} ) # buffer for the fast finding, the key is the line, the value is the list of positions where it occurs
$prefix = @( '<', '>' ) # prefix that shows the origin of the line
for ([int32]$i = 0; $true; $i = 1 - $i) {
$j = 1 - $i
if ($pos[$i] -ge $sz[$i]) {
$i = $j
if ($pos[$i] -ge $sz[$i]) {
$j = 1 - $i
$p = $pos[$i]
$line = $data[$i][$p]
#"DEBUG: --- $i --- line '$line'"
if ($buf[$j].ContainsKey($line)) { # there is a match
$jentry = $buf[$j][$line] # the matching entry, may be $null
#"DEBUG: jentry"
#$jentry # DEBUG
$jp = $jentry[0]
#"DEBUG: jp $jp"
if ($i -eq 0) {
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[$i] $buf[$i] $bp[$i] $p $prefix[$i]
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[$j] $buf[$j] $bp[$j] $jp $prefix[$j]
} else {
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[$j] $buf[$j] $bp[$j] $jp $prefix[$j]
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[$i] $buf[$i] $bp[$i] $p $prefix[$i]
Remove-DiffBufferLine $line $buf[$j]
$bp[$i] = $pos[$i]
$bp[$j] = $jp + 1
if ($PrintEqual) {
"= $line"
#"DEBUG: afterwards buf[0]:"
#$buf[0] # DEBUG
#"DEBUG: afterwards buf[1]:"
#$buf[1] # DEBUG
} else {
# add the line to the buffer
if ($buf[$i].ContainsKey($line)) {
[void] $buf[$i][$line].Add($p)
} else {
$list = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[void] $list.Add($p)
$buf[$i][$line] = $list
#"DEBUG: added '$line' to buf[$i]:"
#$buf[$i] # DEBUG
if ($p - $bp[$i] -ge $MaxWindow) { # $p is behind by one, so this means the buffer overflow
$newbp = $bp[$i] + 1
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[$i] $buf[$i] $bp[$i] $newbp $prefix[$i]
$bp[$i] = $newbp
# dump the remaining buffers
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[0] $buf[0] $bp[0] $pos[0] $prefix[0]
Show-DiffBuffer $PrintPos $data[1] $buf[1] $bp[1] $pos[1] $prefix[1]
Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-DiffSimple
Set-Alias xdiff Find-DiffSimple
Export-ModuleMember -Alias xdiff
function Show-DiffBuffer
Internal: Dump the contents of one side of the comparison buffer.
The lines removed from the buffer.
## Enables the printing of the line position.
## The original data lines.
## The buffer, indexed by data contents.
## The first index of data to dump.
## The index just past the data to dump (i.e. exclusive).
## The line prefix showing the origin of the lines.
if ($start -lt $end) {
if ($printPos) {
$first = $start + 1 # convert the line indexes to base-1
"@ $prefix $first $end"
for ($i = $start; $i -lt $end; $i++) {
$line = $data[$i]
"$prefix $line" # the return value
Remove-DiffBufferLine $line $buf
function Remove-DiffBufferLine
Internal: Remove one line from the buffer.
## The text of the line to remove.
## The buffer, indexed by data contents.
$entry = $buf[$line]
if ($entry.Count -eq 1) {
} else {
See Also: all the text tools