file operations and search recipes
See also: all the recipes and the intro
# find all the files *.txt recursively under a directory, like Unix find
dir /s /a dir\*.txt
# in PowerShell
dir -Recurse -Force "dir\*.txt"
# search for text in the files, like find -exec grep
# /s is recursive, /r is regexp, /i is ignore-case
findstr /s /r /i string dir\*.txt
# for a string that contains multiple words
findstr /s /r /c:"string" dir\*.txt
# The find-grep in PowerShell
dir -Recurse *.cs | % { $res = @((type $_) -match "QueryInstances"); if ($res) { $res; $_.FullName } }
# replace the strings in many files
dir -Recurse run.psm1 | % { $t = type $_.FullName; $t | % { $_ -Replace "Write-Verbose","Write-Dual" } | Set-Content $_.FullName; echo $_.FullName }
# PowerShell: compute the space used the straight way (this rounds up the space used by file to at least 1KB)
dir -recurse . | % { ($_.Length + 1023) / 1024 } | measure -Sum
# find if trim is supported
fsutil fsinfo sectorinfo c:
# find the hardlinks of a filename
fsutil hardlink list filename
# function to ignore the hard links
function dedup
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory=$true)]
begin { $t = @{} }
process {
$n =@(fsutil hardlink list $f.FullName)[0];
if (!$t.Contains($n)) {$t[$n] = 1; $f; }
# resizing a VHD image
Resize-VHD -Path C:\vm\nano\10119\nanoServerResize.vhd -SizeBytes 127GB
# resizing without PowerShell
diskpart: diskpart /s scriptfile select vdisk
# instead of Resize-Vhd 127GB: expand vdisk maximum=130048
attach vdisk select partition=1 extend extend filesystem
# to mount
assign letter=w
# to unmount
detach vdisk offline disk
# how to remove the unused blocks (compact) on a VHD (it must be unmounted)
# from
Optimize-Vhd -path <full path the vhd file> -Mode Full
# not a recipe as such but related...
function relname
Convert the absolute file names on input to the relative file names
by removing the common directory prefix.
The file names (or FileInfo/DirectoryInfo, or any objects that have
a field .FullName) to be converted to the relative path names.
The same names after removing the common prefix.
## The root directory, relative to which the input files should be named.
[string] $Root = "."
begin {
$Root = (Get-Item $Root).FullName
$rpat = "^" + [regex]::Escape($Root) + "\\?"
process {
if ($_ -is [string]) {
$f = $_
} else {
$f = $_.FullName
$f -replace $rpat,""