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Service Bus, .NET Standard, and Open Source

Hey Everyone!

We have received a lot of feedback that our users want to see a Service Bus .NET Core implementation. Today, I am excited to announce that we now have a .NET Standard client that is hosted on GitHub. Happy Holidays!

This new client is currently in development / preview, as there are a couple of features that are still yet to be implemented. For more information on what is currently available and what is still to be added see our road map. While things are not 100% complete, we wanted to get this out into user's hands as as quickly as possible, as we are looking for your feedback!

Another exciting thing about this release is that the library is built using .NET Standard. This means that it is consumable by both the full .NET framework and .NET Core, as well as Mono/Xamarin (here is a full list of the supported platforms). Since this client is consumable by the full framework, it will eventually become our preferred .NET library (although we are quite a ways away from that).

One other thing to mention is that we do not currently have a NuGet package for the client so you will need to download the solution from the GitHub repo, and build it in order to use it. There are some samples as well as documentation located in the repo to help.

So get in there, try it out, and provide feedback with a GitHub issue or PR.

Happy Messaging!