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Yes, we're still here!

All you avid readers must have noticed things have been pretty quiet around here lately--so I want to assure you that we're still here!  Sriram has, unfortunately, left Microsoft, so I'm taking over the blog to share with you all the latest and greatest news about Windows SideShow.  Who am I, you may ask?  If you've seen our Channel 9 videos, you already know.  I'm Dan Polivy--a developer by title, but really I do a little bit of everything.  I've been working on Windows SideShow since we started over two and a half years ago, and am really excited about what we've got in Windows Vista.  When you see the devices available around Vista launch, I'm sure you will be as well.

If you'd like to take a sneak peek at some of our prototypes, you'll be able to see me and other team members at various upcoming events.  Please feel free to swing by, check out the hardware, and say hello!  Anyway, here's our upcoming event schedule:

-- Dan