Pie in the Sky (August 9th, 2012)
Happy weekend! Two days next week and I'm on vacation, so I may only have a few links for next week. But for this week, I've got a bunch:
Architecture patterns for data upload to Windows Azure: A discussion of ways to get data into Windows Azure.
windowsazurewebsitescheatsheet.info updated: The web sites cheat sheet site has been updated.
Bonobo: A lightweight wrapper for working with HTML5 web workers.
SVGeneration: Generates nice SVG backgrounds for you.
“Grunt” your way to frontend performance optimization: An example of using various Grunt plugins to optimize the client-side experience.
Bootstrap 3 RC1: Bootstrap 3 is getting closer.
Joybox: If you're an iOS developer using RubyMotion, Joybox makes it easier to create games.
Frontdesk: A collection of useful things for client-side developers.
Ultrasonic networking: Use the Bat-Phone Robin! It's use of ultrasonic sounds for network communication will save us! All Batman jokes aside, this is pretty neat.
Web Worker patterns: This is a good read if you're wondering what scenarios you might use web workers in.
- Node web frameworks: A collection of web frameworks for Node.js.
Must have gems for Ruby on Rails development: A collection of gems that are useful when developing a Rails application.
Resources for building robust Rails applications: Another set of resources for Rails developers.
Lessons learned using Angular with Rails: Some advice on using Rails and AngularJS.
Seeking Lovecraft, Part 1: An introduction to natural language processing (NLP).
Intro to CoffeeScript: I keep meaning to learn CoffeeScript. Maybe this weekend.
BREACH: If you haven't heard about the new SSL attack method, BREACH, you should probably read up this.
TypeScript 0.9.1: New release for those using TypeScript.
Why does Ember.js rock?: The Ember point of view.
Why does AngularJS rock?: The Angular point of view.
- Larry