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【免費活動 Free Event】將物聯網項目融入生活 Bringing IoT Projects to Life

物聯網(IoT)一直受到廣泛討論,而將來可以大量地連接上多少台設備,亦是探討熱話。然而,對於開發人員所面臨的基本挑戰,則甚少作深入了解。 在 WeWork 的會議中,Microsoft 希望創建一個友好和互動的環境,讓初創企業和開發人員在研發 IoT 解決方案時,就 IoT 的架構、安全性和價值創造等各方面挑戰進行討論。

IoT has always been discussed in scale at a very high level, and how many billions of devices would be connected in the near future, but rarely do we have time to slow down to understand the challenges developers face at the ground level. In this session at WeWork, Microsoft hopes to create a friendly and interactive environment where developers in startups and enterprises can discuss about their challenges with IoT architecture, security and value generation when developing their IoT solution.


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