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People Implementing Ecma Office Open XML

Over on Rod's blog the comments wage on and there is another common question popping up - 'no one can implement this standard other than Microsoft'.

Luckily this is not true - we even have people in NZ who have used it to render documents and build solutions. 

Implementing the entire standard is not easy - you need to build a fully featured productivity suite however - and that's why the standard is quite detailed.  however many, many other vendors have already implemented Open XML. 

If you want to get started and se how easy it can be just pop over to this page for a great guide with (very) short example of how to do it.


Here is a short subset:


· Altsoft XML2PDF server 2007

· AltViewer documents preview

· Altova XML Spy

· Corel Office

· Create Word 2007 documents without Word installed

· doxc to RTF

· Madcap Flare

· Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP and Office 2003

· Microsoft Office 2007

· Nuance OmniPage 16

· Mindjet's MindManager

· Monarch V.9.0 from Datawatch

· ODF-Converter

· OOX-UOF Converter

· Open ERP Software

· Open XML Translator

· Open XML translator for OpenOffice (for Linux and Windows Versions of

· Open XML Writer

· PythonOffice (Python API to read and write Excel XML documents from within Python programming language)

· Sourceforge Project to allow .NET(C#) developer to have component that will interact with Open Xml file

· Special Templates for Master Thesis

· Word 2007 Map Editor for Mindjet MindManager

· Xpertdoc Studio 2007 reporting solution

· Apple iWork ’08 (Text Editor, Spreadsheet, Presentation)

· docx convertor for the Mac

· docx to html Konverter

· docx to RTF Konverter

· MacLinkPlus Deluxe version 16 by DataViz

· Microsoft Office 2008

· Neo Office 2.1

· Sun Open XML import filter for spreadsheets

· Word Counter 2.2.1

· docx and xlsx readers for the Apple iPhone