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Clear Excel cells using Windows PowerShell

This will guide you how to use Microsoft PowerShell to clear cells in an Excel worksheet.


Loading the Excel file from your location :

 ## Load Excel file
 $ExcelPath = 'D:\MyInputFile.xlsx'
 $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
 $Excel.Visible = $false
 $ExcelWorkBook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($ExcelPath)
 $ExcelWorkSheet = $Excel.WorkSheets.item('MySheetName')

Writing the clearing logic with the help of nested For loops for rows and columns :

 ## Clear Logic
 $RowMax = ($ExcelWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows).count        ## get the total count of used rows
 for($i=2; $i -le $RowMax; $i++)         ## skip the header
        for($j=2;$j -le 12;$j++)
                $ExcelWorkSheet.Cells.Item($i, $j).clear()

Saving and closing all connections to Excel :

 # Close connections to Excel
 $Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
 $Excel.ScreenUpdating = $false
 $Excel.Visible = $false
 $Excel.UserControl = $false
 $Excel.Interactive = $false        ## set interactive to false so no save buttons are shown
 $Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Save()        ## save the workbook
 $Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Close()        ## quit the workbook

Clearing the object references is always a good idea. You can use the following snippet to do so :

## Close all object references
 ## Function to close all com objects
 function Release-Ref ($ref)
        ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$ref) -gt 0)

Sample Input :



Sample Output :


Complete Script can be downloaded here.