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Some cool functionalities of UserGroup.asmx webservice

SharePoint provides more than 21 out-of-the-box web services to do various functionalities. I have written some posts on Lists.asmx web service very long back. Here we can take a look at UserGroup.asmx web service.

The Users and Groups Web service provides methods for working with users and groups in Windows SharePoint Services.

To access this Web service set a Web reference to https://<site>/_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx.

These are the web methods of UserGroup webservice (very less J) !


The following operations are supported. For a formal definition, please review the Service Description.

· AddGroup

· AddGroupToRole

· AddRole

· AddRoleDef

· AddUserCollectionToGroup

· AddUserCollectionToRole

· AddUserToGroup

· AddUserToRole

· GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb

· GetGroupCollection

· GetGroupCollectionFromRole

· GetGroupCollectionFromSite

· GetGroupCollectionFromUser

· GetGroupCollectionFromWeb

· GetGroupInfo

· GetRoleCollection

· GetRoleCollectionFromGroup

· GetRoleCollectionFromUser

· GetRoleCollectionFromWeb

· GetRoleInfo

· GetRolesAndPermissionsForCurrentUser

· GetRolesAndPermissionsForSite

· GetUserCollection

· GetUserCollectionFromGroup

· GetUserCollectionFromRole

· GetUserCollectionFromSite

· GetUserCollectionFromWeb

· GetUserInfo

· GetUserLoginFromEmail

· RemoveGroup

· RemoveGroupFromRole

· RemoveRole

· RemoveUserCollectionFromGroup

· RemoveUserCollectionFromRole

· RemoveUserCollectionFromSite

· RemoveUserFromGroup

· RemoveUserFromRole

· RemoveUserFromSite

· RemoveUserFromWeb

· UpdateGroupInfo

· UpdateRoleDefInfo

· UpdateRoleInfo

· UpdateUserInfo


I am not going to explain about all the web methods. My requirement was, I want to know list of all users in a site collection, and their Groups and the roles. If any user added directly to the site without through a group then his roles in that site. Also, I want to get these details in the web level in a detailed report.

Report will output the result something like this.


DOMAIN1\sowmyans was added under group. Please see the group(s) and its roles below


Group :Source Owners

Role : Full Control

Description : Has full control.

Type : Administrator

BasePermissions : FullMask

Before thinking about writing code, I just checked the available SharePoint web services. Then I found UserGroup.asmx web service and that guy was pretty cool to satisfy my all needs. After that, I directly created a proxy class of this web service and implemented this requirement in a .NET console based application.

This code is self explanatory and I hope it won’t confuse you anymore J

(I forgot to dispose XMLNodeReader objects L – don’t forget to do this while using this code)

    1: using System;
    2: using System.Collections.Generic;
    3: using System.Text;
    4: using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    5: using UserGroupCheck.localhost;
    6: using System.Xml;
    7: using System.IO;
    9: namespace UserGroupCheck
   10: {
   11:     class Program
   12:     {
   13:         private static localhost.UserGroup objUserGroup = null;
   14:         private static TextWriter oTxtWriter = null;
   15:         static void Main(string[] args)
   16:         {
   17:             try
   18:             {
   19:                 oTxtWriter = new StreamWriter("UserGroupsAndRolesReport.txt");
   21:                 Console.WriteLine("*************************************************************************************************");
   22:                 Console.WriteLine("Enter your choice for  generating a report for getting  user's groups and related roles information :");
   23:                 Console.WriteLine("*************************************************************************************************");
   24:                 Console.WriteLine("1. Site Collection Level");
   25:                 Console.WriteLine("2. Specific website level (Eg: only from a subsite which has unique permission)");
   26:                 Console.WriteLine("3. For a specific user (In this case you enter the login name of that user)");
   27:                 string strChoice = Console.ReadLine();
   29:                 Console.WriteLine("Enter your site URL (eg: https://servername/sitename)");
   30:                 string strURL = Console.ReadLine();
   32:                 objUserGroup = new UserGroup();
   33:                 objUserGroup.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
   34:                 objUserGroup.Url = strURL + "/_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx";
   36:                 switch (strChoice)
   37:                 {
   38:                     case "1": DecideAboutUsers(true);
   39:                         break;
   40:                     case "2": DecideAboutUsers(false);
   41:                         break;
   42:                     case "3": Console.WriteLine("Please enter login name of the user");
   43:                         RetrieveGroupsAndRoles(Console.ReadLine());
   44:                         break;
   45:                 }
   47:                 oTxtWriter.Close();
   48:                 Console.WriteLine(@"operation has been completed successfully...please check the report - \UserGroupCheck\bin\Debug\UserGroupsAndRolesReport.txt");
   50:             }
   51:             catch (Exception ex)
   52:             {
   53:                 Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
   54:             }
   55:             Console.ReadLine();
   56:         }
   58:         private static void DecideAboutUsers(bool IsSiteCollection)
   59:         {
   60:             XmlNode xUsers = null;
   61:             if(IsSiteCollection)
   62:                 xUsers = objUserGroup.GetUserCollectionFromSite();
   63:             else
   64:                 xUsers = objUserGroup.GetAllUserCollectionFromWeb();
   66:             XmlNodeList xUsersList = xUsers.ChildNodes;
   67:             foreach (XmlNode xUser in xUsersList)
   68:             {
   69:                 XmlNodeReader oUserReader = new XmlNodeReader(xUser);
   70:                 while (oUserReader.Read())
   71:                 {
   72:                     if (oUserReader["LoginName"] != null)
   73:                     {
   74:                         string strLoginName = oUserReader["LoginName"].ToString();
   75:                         if (strLoginName != "NT AUTHORITY\\local service")
   76:                         {
   77:                             if (strLoginName != "SHAREPOINT\\system")
   78:                                 RetrieveGroupsAndRoles(strLoginName);
   79:                         }
   80:                     }
   81:                 }
   82:                 oUserReader.Close();
   83:             }
   84:         }
   86:         private static void RetrieveGroupsAndRoles(string strLoginName)
   87:         {
   88:             XmlNode xGroups = objUserGroup.GetGroupCollectionFromUser(strLoginName);
   89:             XmlNodeList xGroup = xGroups.ChildNodes;
   91:             // Finding the groups for this user and then will find the group roles
   92:             foreach (XmlNode oNode in xGroup)
   93:             {
   94:                 if (oNode.HasChildNodes)
   95:                 {
   96:                     oTxtWriter.WriteLine("*************************************************************************************************");
   97:                     oTxtWriter.WriteLine(strLoginName + " was added under group. Please see the group(s) and its roles below");
   98:                     oTxtWriter.WriteLine("*************************************************************************************************");
   99:                     XmlNodeReader oGreoupReader = new XmlNodeReader(oNode);
  100:                     while (oGreoupReader.Read())
  101:                     {
  102:                         if (oGreoupReader["Name"] != null)
  103:                         {
  104:                             string strGroup = oGreoupReader["Name"].ToString();
  105:                             oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Group :" + strGroup);
  106:                             oTxtWriter.WriteLine();
  108:                             // find the group roles
  109:                             XmlNode xGroupRoles = objUserGroup.GetRoleCollectionFromGroup(strGroup);                            
  110:                             XmlNodeList xGroupRoleList = xGroupRoles.ChildNodes;
  111:                             foreach (XmlNode oGroupRole in xGroupRoleList)
  112:                             {
  113:                                 XmlNodeReader oGroupRoleReader = new XmlNodeReader(oGroupRole);
  114:                                 while (oGroupRoleReader.Read())
  115:                                 {
  116:                                     if (oGroupRoleReader["Name"] != null)
  117:                                     {
  118:                                         oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Role : " + oGroupRoleReader["Name"].ToString());
  119:                                         oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Description : " + oGroupRoleReader["Description"].ToString());
  120:                                         oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Type : " + oGroupRoleReader["Type"].ToString());
  121:                                         oTxtWriter.WriteLine("BasePermissions : " + oGroupRoleReader["BasePermissions"].ToString());
  122:                                         oTxtWriter.WriteLine();
  123:                                     }
  124:                                 }
  125:                             }
  126:                         }
  127:                     }
  128:                 }
  130:                 // else part means this user doesn't have a group but he will be having some roles, so we can list out that roles
  131:                 else
  132:                 {
  133:                     oTxtWriter.WriteLine("*************************************************************************************************");
  134:                     oTxtWriter.WriteLine(strLoginName + " was not added under group. His roles and corrusponding details are listed below");
  135:                     oTxtWriter.WriteLine("*************************************************************************************************");
  136:                     XmlNode xUserRoles = objUserGroup.GetRoleCollectionFromUser(strLoginName);
  137:                     XmlNodeList xUserRoleList = xUserRoles.ChildNodes;
  138:                     foreach (XmlNode xUserRole in xUserRoleList)
  139:                     {
  140:                         XmlNodeReader oUserRoleReader = new XmlNodeReader(xUserRole);
  141:                         while (oUserRoleReader.Read())
  142:                         {
  143:                             if (oUserRoleReader["Name"] != null)
  144:                             {
  145:                                 oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Role : " + oUserRoleReader["Name"].ToString());
  146:                                 oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Description : " + oUserRoleReader["Description"].ToString());
  147:                                 oTxtWriter.WriteLine("Type : " + oUserRoleReader["Type"].ToString());
  148:                                 oTxtWriter.WriteLine("BasePermissions : " + oUserRoleReader["BasePermissions"].ToString());
  149:                                 oTxtWriter.WriteLine();
  150:                             }
  151:                         }
  152:                     }
  153:                 }
  155:             }
  157:         }
  158:     }
  159: }

You will get complete list of all 21 web services from the following MSDN article.


To want to know more about UserGroup class you can refer the below article.

More reference for other web methods.