Notify users of cert expiration...
A recent mail thread was asking about querying for cert about to expire and notifying the users of this.
You could do it a few ways.. Run some kind of svc\logon script etc.. on the clients - which tracked the stores and cert data. Query the CA DB directly for certs about to expire.
I thought it’d be easiest to get the information directly from the CA. You can use the ICertView2 interface ---- specifically, EnumCertViewColumn.
You can obtain the DB schema info via “certutil –view” then play with the GetColumnIndex call below…
I ended up with something like this - - its not quite finished as you can see, error checks and mail function - but thats easy enough. The less documented part is already done and you can build off of that.
have fun!
Const CV_OUT_BASE64 = &H1
'THIS IS THE <Machinename>\CAName
CAName = "MyMachine\SpatCA" '=======>> CHANGE THIS TO THE CORRECT MACHINE\CA==
'create the CAView object
set oCAView = CreateObject("CertificateAuthority.View.1")
'open the connection to the Machine\CA
oCAView.OpenConnection (CAName)
'retrieve specific columns from DB
Index0 = oCAView.GetColumnIndex(False, "CommonName")
Index1 = oCAView.GetColumnIndex(False, "Email")
Index2 = oCAView.GetColumnIndex(False, "NotAfter")
oCAView.SetResultColumn (Index0)
oCAView.SetResultColumn (Index1)
oCAView.SetResultColumn (Index2)
'open the view
Set RowObj= oCAView.OpenView
Do Until RowObj.Next = -1
Set ColObj = RowObj.EnumCertViewColumn()
Do Until ColObj.Next = -1
wscript.echo ColObj.GetValue(CV_OUT_BASE64) & vbcrlf
'insert logic for checking date to
'current and if near\past send mail.
'for a number of examples of mail send info
'Obviously you may want to use the cert email
'attribute to send the mail
Set ColObj = Nothing
March 13, 2009
Hey, How would you connect to the MS 2003 Cert server in PowerShell?Anonymous
March 13, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
June 29, 2009
Thanks for this great script !Anonymous
September 20, 2010
Would you have something that runs client side, independent of any connection to a CA? Or can you point me? Thank you.