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If broken it is, fix it you should


Finding memory leaks with ANTS Memory Profiler

I was out looking for some sample scripts for tinyget and ran across this ANTS Memory Profiler...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 10/07/2009

Busy November, presenting at TechED Europe and Oredev

TechED Europe – Berlin -  9-13th of November This will be the 2nd time I present at TechED....

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 09/17/2009

Forms authentication fails after installing IIS 7.5

I recently had a customer that just moved from Windows 2008 to Windows 2008 R2 (changing from IIS 7...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 09/16/2009

How can I make you learn and benefit from my Blog? and how can I learn from you?

Summer is almost over and a new season of heavy work is beginning. I wanted to take this opportunity...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 08/17/2009

Why do I see ExecutionEngineException, StackOverflowException and OutOfMemoryException on the heap when debugging .net applications?

I came back from a long vacation today and I’ve finally caught up with enough emails to do...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 08/10/2009

Design tips for Developers

I found a set of really nice, short videos by Arturo Toledo on the Silverlight blog that I thought...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 07/07/2009

A case of lost session variables when using out of process session state

Recently I had a case where the customer had an issue with session variables. The claim was that if...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 06/26/2009

Visual Studio 2010 .net debugging resource

If my post on dump debugging in VS 2010 piqued your interest, here is a list of a number of other...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 06/18/2009

Background Garbage Collection in CLR 4.0

Yesterday I found this really nice Channel 9 interview with Maoni Stephens (Dev Owner of the CLR GC)...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 05/29/2009

Debug Diag script for troubleshooting .NET 2.0 Memory leaks

I have put together a quick and dirty debug diag script for troubleshooting .net memory leaks....

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 05/12/2009

Neat .NET 2.0 StackViewer to troubleshoot hangs/performance issues

Bret wrote a post about Managed Stack Explorer, a really nice tool that was developed in 2006 but...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 05/08/2009

I recently got an email with the following question: “Can you give me some very helpful hints...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 04/29/2009

Show me the memory: Tool for visualizing virtual memory usage and GC heap usage.

A colleague of mine, John Allen, created an awesome tool way back that displays memory usage in a...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 04/23/2009

.NET Exceptions: Quick WinDbg/SOS tip on how to dump all the .NET exceptions on the heap

Since a .net exception is a .NET object like any other, it gets stored on the GC heap when you (or...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 04/16/2009

Validation of viewstate MAC failed after installing .NET 3.5 SP1

After installing .NET 3.5 SP1 you may get Validation of viewstate MAC failed exceptions when doing...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 04/14/2009

Silverlight/WPF FlipImage Animation

I was working on some Silverlight samples and needed an image that could flip over as in the example...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/16/2009

.NET Rocks: Debugging chat

Yesterday I had a nice chat with Richard and Carl at .NET Rocks. We talked about .net, debugging,...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/10/2009

Silverlight Game – Part 4 - Adding drag and drop functionality to move the cars around

This is part four in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight, you can...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/04/2009

Silverlight Game – Part 5 – Storing Highscores in Isolated Storage

This is part five in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight, you can...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/04/2009

Silverlight Game – Part 3 - Using Linq to XML to read and generate the levels

This is part three in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight, you can...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/04/2009

Silverlight Game – Part 1 – Creating the main layout

This is part one in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight, you can...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/04/2009

Silverlight Game – Part 2 – Creating a Car UserControl

This is part two in a series of 5 posts showing how I built a simple game in Silverlight, you can...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/04/2009

Silverlight 2.0 Walkthrough – Creating a “Traffic Jam” game

This series of posts are not really in-line with my normal debugging posts, but I just created a...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 03/04/2009

.NET Memory Leak reader email: Are you really “leaking” .net memory

I get several emails every week through the blog asking for help on various issues. Unfortunately...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 02/27/2009

.NET Memory Leak: To dispose or not to dispose, that’s the 1 GB question

I was looking at a memory dump recently for an issue where the process would grow to over 1 GB and...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 02/03/2009

Troubleshooting .Net SQL Connectivity issues: What data should you gather?

Spike in our data access support team has a really good blog talking about data access related...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 01/23/2009

TechDays Sweden March 17th-18th 2009

If you live in Sweden and haven’t signed up for TechDays 2009 yet, go ahead and check it out....

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 01/13/2009

Video of my TechEd presentation of Common Issues in ASP.NET and how to debug them with Windbg

My TechEd presentation “Common Issues in ASP.NET and how to debug them with Windbg” is...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/27/2008

Debugging memory leaks in Compact Framework / Windows CE applications

This is way out of the scope of what I normally troubleshoot, but I have gotten some questions...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/25/2008

Planning a new .net debugging lab set – What do you want to see?

There’s been close to 25 000 downloads of the buggy bits lab set, YAY!!! :) but now I think...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/24/2008

Slides for interactive TechEd Sessions about debugging .net issues in windbg

... and here are the slides for the interactive session Debugging Performance Issues, Memory Issues...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/21/2008

Slides and resources for TechED presentations about debugging .NET issues with Windbg

I still have to figure out a way to host the video from the break-out session but until then, here...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/21/2008

Troubleshooting appdomain restarts and other issues with ETW tracing

You learn something new every day… I was working on an issue with appdomain restarts caused by page...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/06/2008

PDC announcements about Dump debugging for .NET 4.0

Mike Stall just wrote a very interesting post about ICoreDebug announcements at the PDC. More...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 11/03/2008

Performance by Design – PDC 2008

Rico Mariani (Chief Architect of Visual Studio – previously performance architect for .net),...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 10/30/2008

Troubleshooting ASP.NET issues with HTTPERR logs

I am doing some email cleanup and got a request to write a post about how to use the HTTPERR logs.I...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 10/22/2008

Debugging hangs, memory leaks or exceptions in silverlight apps with sos

Back in August I wrote a post about how to debug these types of issues in silverlight applications....

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 10/21/2008

.NET Debugging at TechED EMEA (10-14 November in Barcelona)

I hope you will join me for TechEd in Barcelona on the 10th-14th of November.I will be presenting 2...

Author: Tess Ferrandez Date: 10/21/2008

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