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code review standards...

Recently I had a bunch of code to check into our source depot, but I'm told that before checking anything in, it ALWAYS must be reviewed.  So I sent an e-mail to my team asking for someone to review the code.

2 days have gone by and not a single person volunteered...which I feel is horrible.  I mean, it really doesn't take much to step up to the plate and review some code, I do it whenever I get the chance so why can't they?  So I went and talked to my boss about it.  I told him we really need to get a process in place to get code reviewed in a timely manor.  His answer was that I should just go into on of my teammates office and ask them to do it, rather than sending an e-mail.

I disagree with this method because you can't just expect people to drop whatever they are doing and review your code right then and I told him this, and he pushed the question back on me...asked me how I thought we should do it.

Honestly I don't know.  I'm still pretty new to the coding game and not sure what would be the best practice for this, so I thought I'd ask here.  Anyone have some code review standards they could share?