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Sometimes I'm a blockhead...

*big sigh of relief*

Yeah, I'm done with another big project. Although it was updating the previous big project I was working with richer functionality.

This was kinda good and bad at the same time...

Bad because as my coding skills are moving forward I kinda re-reviewed the orignaly code I wrote and I can't figure out why I did some things the way I did...I mean it's pretty bad when I'm telling myself that the original design was totally stupid and I'm the one that coded it.

However it was good because I can actually see those things now, when previously I kept feeling like I was just putting pieces of a puzzle together without any knowing what the picture was suppose to look like at the end.

I wonder if my peers and my manager notice me progressing like I do. I wish they'd tell me sometimes. I get little to no feedback from anyone about how I'm doing...or if I'm doing things right or wrong. I guess that's why it's a good reason to go to get feedback on the do's and don'ts of coding. ;) So to all you little kiddie coders reading my blog...GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN YOUR CODING SKILLS BEFORE GETTING A JOB. hehehe.