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Tom Krueger

A Broad View From Mobile To Web

NEW BLOG - Smart Client Data

There's a new blog in town and it's name is Smart Client Data. I just met Steve Lasker last night at...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/21/2005

The Holy Grail List of Developer Tools and More

There is a good chance that you have seen this list, but if you haven't it is a must. Scott...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/21/2005

Ugh, I forgot my password

Hey all, I have been away from the blog world for quite a while now because I forgot my password....

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/21/2005

A New Look for ASP.NET 2.0 - Beta 2 QuickStart Tutorials

The ASP.NET 2.0 Beta QuickStarts have recently been updated and I must say they are looking pretty...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 04/06/2005

Blog or Die

Have you ever thought about blogging and wondered why we do this or what benefits it has? What about...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 03/01/2005

Tip: Use Form.Close() opposed to Application.Exit()

When closing your application from code, for example in the File | Exit menu you should use...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 02/24/2005

Give up your apps to help Microsoft test compatibility with Whidbey.

This is your chance to help make Whidbey compatible with .NET Framework 2003. Jay Roxe is asking for...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 02/17/2005

How to handle Unhandled Exceptions

When an exception occurs is thrown in your application, but is never caught the application ends up...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 02/17/2005

My Experience Converting IssueVision to .NET Framework 2.0

Today I inherited a computer which I was suppose to get IssueVision up an running on Whidbey the...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 01/27/2005

The .NET Celebrity Auction for Aceh Aid at IDEP - Tsunamis Relief

This is a neat idea of how to help out with releif for the Tsunamis and get .NET expertise in...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 01/24/2005

Book of Smartphone Programming articles (kinda)

Do you wish there was one place to look for articles on Smartphone programming that were already...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 01/11/2005

Feadback Please - .NET Compact Framework Team

Do you ever find yourself cursing while developing with the .NET Compact Framework, wondering what...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 01/06/2005

Windows FX SDK

Interested in getting ahead of the curve and learning about WinFX. Check out the preliminary WinFX...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 01/05/2005

Personality Test, Geek Style

Check it out, you can find out what operating system you are based on your personality traits. The...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 01/04/2005

Get Personal With Microsoft Through Blogs

This morning I received an email from Mike Zintel an Engineering manager at Microsoft with the .NET...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 12/14/2004

Announcing - Smart Client Development Center Rebooted

The Smart Client Development Center has gotten a face lift. Check out what Jonathan Wells the Smart...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 12/06/2004

.NET Things To Be Thankful For (Funny)

A little humor never hurt....

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 12/03/2004

Halo 2 Junkies, analyze your stats

Sweet, I can't wait to try. Now all I need is Halo 2. Pull your Halo 2 stats into Excel Check this...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 12/02/2004

Determining the Unique ID of a device

If you ever find yourself needing to identify one device from another the following links should...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 11/30/2004

Online Chat Today, Sept 9th 10:00AM PST - Smart Device Programming with Visual Studio .NET 2003

Join Microsoft experts in an online chat: Smart Device Programming with Visual Studio .NET 2003...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 09/09/2004

Webcast: Wednesday, September 8th 11:00 PST Tip and Tricks for the .NET Compact Framework Developer

Hello, Wanted to announce a MSDN webcast that I will be presenting on Wednesday, September 8th at...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 09/07/2004

Get your voice hear by Windows Embedded.

If you would like to report a bug or request a feature for Windows Embedded, there is a new email...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 08/31/2004

OpenNETCF Coding Competition

Anyone up for a game of coding cool mobile apps? If you like coding, mobile stuff, and have...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 07/18/2004

What is the fastest way to build a 10000 record dataset on a device? (Funny yet informative)

I was reading the .NET Compact Framework Newsgroup posts this morning and came across a hilarious...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 07/08/2004

Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 has Arrived!

I am very excited to try out the Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 and am in the process of installing it...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/29/2004

FotoVision Smart Client Sample / Articles Available

We just published a Smart Client Sample application called FotoVision and 3 technical articles...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/16/2004

MSDN - Java Developer Resource Center Launched

Microsoft has recently launced the Java Developer Resource Center at...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/07/2004

NETDA Presentation - VSTO

I attended the .NET Developers Association user group meeting last week in Redmond where Shoshanna...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/01/2004

MSDN - Smart Client Developer Center Launched

If you are interested in Smart Client Development, then you will be happy to find the new Smart...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 06/01/2004

Copy/Paste between computers

I thought I would share a super useful tool for those that work on multiple computers. aSC Network...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 05/25/2004

The System.Collections.IComparer interface makes sorting a breeze.

Have you ever needed to sort a collection that contained data that was not a string or a number? By...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 05/24/2004

Kicking It Off

Hello All, My name is Tom Krueger. I am very excited to begin blogging and sharing my technology...

Author: Tom Krueger Date: 05/19/2004