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UAG SP1 DirectAccess Contest Quiz Two-Round One

(If you didn’t participate in Quiz 1 – you can read the rules of the game over at...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/09/2010

Microsoft UAG DirectAccess: The Beautiful Truth

When I’m between doing things that I sort of want to do, but not enough where I want to start on...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/09/2010

DNS64 Service Fails to Start After Upgrading to UAG Service Pack 1

I’ve seen a few people ask if there are problems with access to IPv4 only resources after installing...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/09/2010

Connecting the DirectAccess Client to SAP

When a DirectAccess client computer is on the Internet, it connects to the corporate network using...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/08/2010

Test Lab Guide Virtualization Notes

If you’re not aware of Test Lab Guides, they’re part of a new initiative we have at...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/07/2010

Answers UAG DirectAccess Contest Quiz 1 Round 1

Here are the answers to Quiz 1, Round 1: ====================================================...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/03/2010

UAG SP1 DirectAccess Contest Quiz One-Round One

With all the excitement coming from the upcoming release of UAG Service Pack 1, I thought we might...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/02/2010

UAG DirectAccess and the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security – Things You Should Know

Both the Windows DirectAccess and the UAG DirectAccess solutions are heavily dependent on the...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 12/01/2010

Long NetBIOS Names May Interfere with UAG DirectAccess User Interface

Shannon Fritz, and up and comer in the world of UAG DirectAccess found a very interesting issue with...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/22/2010

Test Lab Guide–Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess with SSTP and Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG) Released

OK folks, this is the last TLG for a week or two. Yes, I still have a couple of important ones that...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/16/2010

UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess with SSTP Test Lab Guide Released

I am happy to tell you that today I’ve released the Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/15/2010

UAG SP1 RC Demonstrate UAG DirectAccess Connectivity Assistant (DCA) Test Lab Guide Available

Yay! Another Test Lab Guide hits the download center today. Today’s Test Lab Guide is the Test Lab...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/05/2010

DirectAccess Application Compatibility by Jason Jones

Jason Jones, one of our ace Forefront MVPs, has put together a great blog post on DirectAccess...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/04/2010

Test Lab Guide - Demonstrate Forefront UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess Force Tunneling Now Available

I’m happy to announce the release of the latest UAG DirectAccess Test Lab Guide – Test Lab Guide:...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/01/2010

Test Lab Guide–Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess with NAP Released

The march of the Test Lab Guides continues! Today I’m offering up to you a Test Lab Guide I think...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 11/01/2010

UAG SP1 RC Demonstrate DirectAccess Remote Management Test Lab Guide Released

So you liked what you saw after going through the Test Lab Guide: Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/28/2010

Fabrikam Test Lab Guide Now Available

Test Lab Guides make it easy to test new products and technologies in a pre-tested, well defined...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/27/2010

Check out the new Test Lab Guide–Demonstrate UAG SP1 RC DirectAccess

Great news! Last week we released the Release Candidate of UAG Service Pack 1. If you haven’t heard...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/27/2010

UAG DirectAccess in 8 to 10 Easy Steps

So you’ve gone through our excellent Test Lab Guides (which you can find at...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/21/2010

Fix for DirectAccess with SharePoint Authentication Issue

“Why does SharePoint ask for credentials when I connect over DirectAccess?” There is a very long...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/21/2010

Excellent UAG DirectAccess Configuration Guide by Shannon Fritz

Shannon Fritz, who’s well known on the UAG DirectAccess forums at...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/19/2010

Updated: Can I Migrate My Windows DirectAccess Configuration to UAG DirectAccess?

(Updated Oct 5, 2010) I’ve seen a number of questions asking if there was a method you could use to...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 10/04/2010

Is ISATAP Required for UAG DirectAccess?

The answer is “no” – but its important to understand the function of ISATAP and why or why not you...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 09/30/2010

UAG Test Lab Guides and the Business Ready Security (BRS) Demo

Over the last few months I’ve been having some conversations with a number of people about the Test...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 09/30/2010

A Short Introduction to UAG DirectAccess End to End Security

I’m thinking of putting together a Test Lab Guide module for configuring end-to-end security for UAG...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 09/11/2010

Configuring DirectAccess to Support Citrix Connections

We’ve seen a lot of questions on how to get the Citrix client to work with DirectAccess. The...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 08/24/2010

Why are both the Teredo and IP-HTTPS Interfaces Active?

 A common question I see on the message boards and in conversations with our DirectAccess...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 08/24/2010

Troubleshooting UAG and NAP Test Lab Guide

It’s done! The last in the set of UAG DirectAccess Test Lab Guides (at least for now, the effort is...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 08/19/2010

Be Careful of DNS Issues When Testing UAG DirectAccess

I’ve always recommend that you when learning about DirectAccess that you begin your trek with the...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 08/13/2010

How to Configure UAG to Publish Your Private Certificate Revocation List

In order for SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) and DirectAccess to work properly the SSTP and...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 08/03/2010

Test Lab Guides Lead the Way to Solution Mastery

How’s that for a catchy title? Test Lab Guides (TLGs) are a new method that Joe Davies and I have...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 07/30/2010

What Defines a Functional Connection to a Network Location Server?

One of the key pieces of a working DirectAccess solution is the Network Location Server or NLS. The...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 07/19/2010

Considerations When Using Ping to Troubleshoot DirectAccess Connectivity Issues

You’re learning about DirectAccess and you like what you see. The next step is to build out a test...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 07/13/2010

Check out TechEd 2010 in New Orleans DirectAccess Content

Secure Endpoint: DirectAccess and Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway 2010, the Complete...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 06/30/2010

DirectAccess is not a Replacement for VPN

I hear a lot of folks talking about deploying DirectAccess as a replacement for their current VPN...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 06/28/2010

UAG DirectAccess and Client Application Compatibility Considerations

That's a good question. But before we go there, we have to think about connectivity between the...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 06/22/2010

UPDATED: UAG DirectAccess – Fixing a Runaway Configuration.exe Process

(Updated July 21, 2010) Interesting post on the TechNet forums regarding problems with...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 06/03/2010

UAG DirectAccess Step by Step Guide CRL Check Update

Jim Harrison recently pointed out to me that there’s a small problem with the UAG DirectAccess Test...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 05/27/2010

DirectAccess and Teredo Adapter Behavior

In a recent blog post about an interesting problem we had with understanding Outlook performance...

Author: thomas w shinder - msft Date: 05/27/2010

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