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Tonyso Credo: "Look for a pattern, and solve it for everything"

Virtual Memory Survival Guide

At customer events a few years ago we started handing out one-page "Survival Guides" (printed both...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 02/22/2011

Why Wiki? Case Study #2 AD Domain Svcs Event ID Map

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a visual representation of all the event IDs for a service, let’s...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 02/22/2011

Translate the TNWIKI

The TechNet Wiki now has a Bing translator widget on each page, no charge. Free-as-in-beer....

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 02/22/2011

IT Pro’s Pal - BGinfo

My gear-fixation probably started when I was a Boy Scout. There was a tool called the...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 02/15/2011

TechNet Wiki Tags-onomy–The Hidden Differentiator

You can find some common TNWIKI tags at:...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 02/08/2011

CrowdStrategy: Help Define Quality Technical Content

There is a new page on the TechNet Wiki “What's Considered Quality Technical Content?” that offer...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/31/2011

What’s Happening on the TNWIKI?

The TechNet Articles page on the TechNet Wiki shows a table of contents for the wiki *above the...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/27/2011

TechNet Community: Profile Now Shows Wiki Activity

Just in time for Mid-Year Reviews here at Microsoft the TechNet profile now shows your TechNet Wiki...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/27/2011

Ordinateur Virtuel Stocké

If you don’t read French, I can explain that the title of this post “ordinateur virtuel stocké “...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/26/2011

Why I Love This Company

Thank you comrades. “Microsoft Employees gave US$96 million to charity, including corporate...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/14/2011

Troubleshooting: Hyper-V W2K3 VM Lost Network Connection

Problem: Hyper-V VM guest (Windows Server 2003) on a Windows Server 2008 R2 host “randomly” loses...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/07/2011

Accept No Substitutes, How to Spot Fake Hotmail Log in Pages

Some Hotmail users have recently been confused by fake login pages, like this one: How to spot a...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/04/2011

TOC Becomes TOC?

IT Pros have long asked for a “change log” on technical information from Microsoft. For example, the...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 01/04/2011

Happy Holidays

I love my job. Actual e-mail from my manager…. “Where Santa Stores His Elves in the...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 12/18/2010

Answers to Top Support Calls

One wishes that what the SQL Server Tech Center has done would be replicated throughout TechNet, no?...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 12/16/2010

Happy Holidays from the Scripting Guys

For grins: Hey Scripting Guy blog: Watch the blog for a...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 12/10/2010

Protect Your Hotmail Account Now

Hackers, such as the one that posted this YouTube video “How to Hack any Hotmail,” are...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 12/10/2010

The Case of the Pending VM Snapshot Merge

The case of the pending merge. Guest post from reader Jeremy Hagan Recently I had a virtual machine...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 11/25/2010

Worm:Win32/Visal.B Inoculation

Recently (9/3/2010) a new worm called Worm:Win32/Visal.B was spotted in the wild. As an IT Pro, you...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 09/10/2010

Poster Guy Poster New Release: RDS

The Poster Guy has released a new poster: Remote Desktop Services Component Architecture Poster....

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 09/08/2010

2 Great Tastes…

In ancient days (back in the 1970s) the Hershey Company ran a series of tv commercials for...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 08/25/2010

The Poster Guy Strikes Again

The Poster Guy’s latest, the “Remote Desktop Services Component Architecture”...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 08/23/2010

Gamerzrul: Why the Wiki Will Win (part two)

The killer app for user-created content is games. Game devotees are invested in the experience to...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 08/18/2010

The Poster Guy Always Rings Twice

You IT Pros have appreciated the posters colleague Martin McClean puts out. He now helps you find...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 08/17/2010

Script to Validate Virtual Switch

Do you need a script to validate that a virtual switch is configured correctly? Using WMI you can...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/14/2010

RemoteFX and Dynamic Memory in R2 Sp1 (Beta) Demo

Colleague John Savill has put together a great 20 minute demo showing how (and why) to use ...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/13/2010

Hyper-V How to: Manage Hyper-V VMs from Windows 7

Here’s how to manage Hyper-V from a Windows 7 system. 1. Download and install the Remove Server...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/13/2010

TechNet Wiki (Beta): Why a Wiki?

One of the things customers asked of us when we met at TechEd 2010 is summarized as: “It would be...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/13/2010

All About Dynamic Memory in Hyper-V

My colleague Kathy Davies has published a quick demo of DM in the SP1 Beta on YT: Principal PM Vijay...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/13/2010

TechNet Wiki (Beta): The Future is Stubby

On the TechNet Wiki (Beta) we encourage IT Pros and Devs to start a wiki article, even though they...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/13/2010

Whither Wiki? Troubleshooting content on the TechNet Wiki (Beta)

One of the things a wiki should enable is great collaboration on troubleshooting. This kind of...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/12/2010

SBS Router Setup Community Content

Colleague Jim Holtzman is doing a very interesting (and helpful) thing over on the TechNet Wiki....

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 07/07/2010

The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed…

…saith Wm.Gibson. The future of IT Pro documentation is here – colleague Jim Holtzman shows you how...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/21/2010

Just the diffs. Finally!!

When you use the RSS Feed for a TechNet Wiki article, on change you get an email notification with a...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/21/2010

Understanding Hyper-V Backup

Great buzz around Soumya’s TechEd preso Hyper-V Backup Deep Dive: A Look Under the Hood. Check it...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/17/2010

TechNet Goes all customer service-y

TechNet has launched a beta on the MS Connect site that allows you the “early adopter experience”...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/15/2010

Customer Feedback Requested: Canonical Topic TOC

Please check out a proposed new innovation for IT Pro content “Customer Feedback Requested:...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/15/2010

How to Monitor TNWIKI Content

There is a wiki how-to to topic on tools you can combine to help you stay on top of wiki content of...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/14/2010

TechEd 2010 Foodgasm

One of the more pleasant lunches I’ve had in a long time – cochon muffalleta at cochon swinebar 3...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/08/2010

Making Breakfast

Toasters are in the air today. I had two separate conversations about toasters with attendees at...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/07/2010

Hyper-V Dynamic Memory and Remote FX Demo – TechEd 2010

I have a chance to record this short booth demo of Hyper-V Dynamic Memory and Remote FX with...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/07/2010

TechEd 2010 – The Journey Continues

Posting this from 37K feet, 14.5 hours into my epic journey to TechEd 2010. Southwest Airlines has...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/06/2010

TechEd 2010 Bursting at the Seams

TechEd 2010 starts tomorrow – oversubscribed with more than be over 10,500 guests, speakers and...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/06/2010

“free” as in Free WiFi at Denver Airport ain’t exactly free

It is “no cost to you as long as you first watch this ad…and log in every 30 minutes…and watch the...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/06/2010

Why Wiki Ninjas Rule

Traditional media images of ninjas depict them as solitary and good at doing things some (especially...

Author: tonysoper_MSFT Date: 06/06/2010

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