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Now this is just sad.....

I haven't posted in a while, but I find this both funny and sad all at the same time.  The whole Windows / Mac debate that follows in the comments is rather interesting as well.  I must say, as a Mac user my whole life, I would generally side with the Mac on almost everything.  That is, until Monday.  On Monday I bought my first PC ever.  No wait... correction... I put together my first PC ever.  I was expecting something miserable to happen and after 2 1/2 hours, I was surprised to have a smokin' machine that worked perfectly on the very first start up (and has worked perfectly so far since (must find wood,  must knock)). 

Of course it took me many, many hours to download all of the security updates and service packs and to install all of the various driver updates.  (Why on earth would ASUS force you to update your Chipset drivers via floppy?  Does anyone actually have a floppy drive anymore?)  I won't say that I'm a full-fledged convert, I still have plenty of issues with XP that I probably shouldn't discuss too much here.  But I was pleasantly surprised.

Of course, my Mac at home has been on for about five years now, I've kept it up to date, and the only problem I've had with it at all involves an old version of Norton not working on Tiger and Windows Media Player not working at all.  Now if we can just get a Mac version of Flight Simulator.....