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Latest API updates in Client Side Object Model (Dec 2014 CU for SP2013)

We are happy to announce additional APIs being available with the latest cumulative update for SharePoint for client side object model (CSOM). These are updates which are based on the input from the field with multiple different channels. Here’s key updates in the November and December CSOM releases for the on-premises SharePoint 2013.

Controlling detailed versioning settings in list level

  • New public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List.MajorVersionLimit
  • New public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit

Controlling regional settings in site level

  • New setter for public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.RegionalSettings.LocaleId
  • New public method Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.RegionalSettings.Update()
    • You can access regional settings object from Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web.RegionalSettings property

Controlling language settings in site level

  • New public method Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web.AddSupportedUILanguage()
  • New public method Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Web.RemoveSupportedUILanguage()

Update on 20th of Dec - Adding additional language to web has unfortunately a bug and it does not work unless site has already one or more additional languages set, which means that this API does not really usable until this bug is fixed. This will be fixed for future releases and to redistributable version of the CSOM package.  

Controlling auditing settings in site collection level

  • New public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Site.Audit
  • New public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Site.AuditLogTrimmingRetention
  • New public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Site.TrimAuditLog
  • New Class Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Audit
  • New Enum Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditMaskType
  • New Class Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AuditPropertyNames

Setting secondary site collection contact in site level

  • New public property Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Site.SecondaryContact

You can access the December CU updates by using assemblies from updated SharePoint server or by accessing them from Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices (Dev branch until January master merge). We will also update the redistributable soon in Microsoft download.


What about cloud CSOM?

We will update the SharePoint Online Client Components SDK also in upcoming weeks to provide these latest same updates for the Office 365 development. These two packages are unfortunately evolving in slightly different schedules.


You need additional APIs in CSOM?

imageIf you have any specific needs for the APIs you need, please let us know using User Voice in below address. We will address these requests and feedback where we can.

Please be patience on the requests, we will address those APIs which we can as fast as possible, but we do not have infinite resources, so we cannot provide any time lines related on the timing for addressing the feedback. Your input will be still highly appreciated and highly valuable for us to align the resources on the most needed capabilities.


Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices

Office365PnPLogoRed_thumb1We will provide updated samples and scenarios based on these APIs in the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices guidance, which contains already more than 100 samples and solutions demonstrating different patterns and practices related on the app model development together with additional documentation related on the app model techniques.

Check the latest updates directly from the GitHub project at Please join us on sharing patterns and practices for the community for the benefit of the community.

“From the community for the community” – “Sharing is caring”