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Blog Disruptions Today Now Complete; New Toys Now Available

UPDATED 3 May 2009 5:00p ET: My updates are complete for the day.

I’ve widened the left-hand sidebar a pixel or three to accommodate two new toys, both of which may be found in the revamped News section:

  • a little Flash app that shows my latest Twitter tweets; and
  • another application that shows the latest from Microsoft TechNet, the kind hosts of this little corner of the Internets. In addition to a daily news feed, this widget is a gateway to all sorts of other TechNet content:
    • Videos
    • Podcasts
    • content from TechNet magazine
    • upcoming webcasts
    • on-demand webcasts

Note that there’s a Get & Share link at the bottom of the TechNet widget, which allows you to share content from the widget on many popular social networking services, including Twitter and Facebook, as well as Live, delicious, StumbleUpon, and others.

Please let me know if you have any positive or negative comments or experiences with the new layout and features!


I’m playing around with features and formatting this afternoon. Those viewing via HTML may notice some disruptions.

I’ll update this post when my tweaking is complete.


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