Performing Management tasks using Cimcmdlets [3] – Operating System
As a part of the ongoing blog series “Performing Management tasks using Cimcmdlets” we are sharing PowerShell snippets for a few Computer Management tasks.
In this post we will be going over the PS snippets for Operating System Management. The corresponding Visual Basic samples are at:
1. Determine if a service pack has been installed on a computer:
PS:> # Get Instance of Win32_OperatingSystem PS:> # Look for ServicePackMajorVersion and ServicePackMinorVersion properties PS:> Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem –Namespace root/cimv2 | Select ServicePackMajorVersion, ServicePackMinorVersion |
2. Determine when the operating system was installed on a computer:
PS:> # Get Instance of Win32_OperatingSystem PS:> # Look for InstallDate property PS:> Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem –Namespace root/cimv2 | Select InstallDate |
3. Determine which version of the Windows operating system is installed on a computer:
PS:> # Get Instance of Win32_OperatingSystem PS:> # Look for Caption and Version properties PS:> $os = Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem –Namespace root/cimv2 | Select Caption, Version |
4. Determine which folder is the Windows folder (%Windir%) on a computer:
PS:> # Get Instance of Win32_OperatingSystem PS:> # Look for WindowsDirectory property PS:> $os = Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem –Namespace root/cimv2 | Select WindowsDirectory |
5. Determine what hotfixes have been installed on a computer:
PS:> # Get Instance of Win32_ QuickFixEngineering PS:> # Look for HotFixID property PS:> Get-CimInstance –ClassName Win32_QuickFixEngineering –Namespace root/cimv2 | Select HotFixID |
We will be covering other computer management scenarios in our future posts. If you have any questions please feel free to send them to us.
Important links:
- The complete list of tasks we will be covering in this series is at:
- Link to previous post(s):
Vaibhav Chugh [MSFT]
Standards Based Management