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Wu Shuai's Blog

Modern Development

Get Started with AKS CI / CD in Azure DevOps

The easiest way to build Azure kubernetes service CI / CD pipeline is to use Azure DevOps project...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 12/02/2018

Get Started with Cognitive Service Container in IoT Edge

In order to enable the developers to build AI system based on Azure cognitive service with low...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 11/17/2018

How to Visualize Azure Resource Metrics in Power BI

The ability to monitor all the azure resources' status is very important that makes the operator...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 10/28/2018

How to Call Azure Stack API via Client Credential Grant

In order to manipulate Azure stack resource by programming, we can call the Azure Stack API to make...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 10/02/2018

How to Control Downstream Device from IoT Edge

For an IoT Edge device which is deployed in manufacture scenario, it is a common requirement to...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 09/08/2018

How to Deploy Marketplace VMs in Azure Stack by ARM template

To build modern applications across cloud and on-premises environments, Azure and Azure Stack can...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 08/05/2018

Bring Custom Vision into Azure IoT Edge

The Custom Vision Service is a Microsoft Cognitive Service that lets you build custom image...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 05/25/2018

Support HTTPS in Azure Marketplace image for Jenkins

Create a Jenkins server on an Azure Linux VM from the Azure portal has introduced how to configure...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 04/09/2018

Extend Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.OAuth to Support Reverse Proxy

Recently, one customer said his Core application used to work very well in OAuth...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 03/10/2018

How to Make Deployment with Ansible Azure Modules

Ansible is an open-source product that automates cloud provisioning, configuration management, and...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 02/12/2018

Provide Cross Region Low-latency Service based on Azure Global VNET Peering

It is a common scenario that an organization is placing most cloud infrastructures such as virtual...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 02/04/2018

How to Start Spring Boot with Azure Media Service

[Obsolete, any new application is expected to use AAD instead of account key] In this article, I...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 01/12/2018

Integrate Web App with Azure Virtual Network by Point-to-Site VPN

It is a common scenario that we want to use VNet Integration to enable our web app access a database...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 12/10/2017

Manage Azure CDN Endpoint in Node.js

The Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) offers a global solution for delivering high-bandwidth...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 11/27/2017

Access Azure CosmosDB in TypeScript

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database hosted in Azure. It provides...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 11/19/2017

JavaScript Unit Test Intergration in VSTS Build Pipeline

VSTS supports any kinds of JavaScript test runner as long as it can be invoked via command line, we...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 10/29/2017

How to Separate Tomcat Logging Per Instance in Azure Web App

Azure web app supports multiple instances of Java application host in Tomcat. While based on...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 09/14/2017

ASP.NET Core and 502 Bad Gateway Response

502 bad gateway error response is not like traditional 500 error which is mostly a code problem,...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 08/04/2017

Experience Weird Access Violation? Maybe a Race Condition Problem

Recently, I am working on a native memory crash issue because of access violation. I have seen a lot...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 07/28/2017

How to Support Windows Authentication for ASP.NET Core in IIS

When we are debugging and testing Windows Authentication based ASP.NET Core application in...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 06/26/2017

Docker Compose ASP.NET Core to Nano Image with Windows Container

In this article, I would like to demonstrate how to deploy an ASP.NET Core application with SQL...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 05/12/2017

How to Fix "Access to OData is disabled" when Calling Graph API

Microsoft Graph and Office 365 Unified API are widely used to make development based on Office 365,...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 04/01/2017

Debug ASP.NET Core via lldb on Ubuntu

I have been using Windbg and SOS for several years and they are really good tools to perform .Net...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 03/13/2017

Katana provides cookie middleware to serialize user principal into an encrypted cookie and the...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 02/08/2017

Kerberos Constrained Delegation with ASP.NET

Some security issue may involve kerberos delegation, I have to capture network monitor to check the...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 01/13/2017

TFS and Jenkins Integration

As soon as there is a new code submit to TFS, TFS can notify Jenkins to perform continuous...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 12/31/2016

Use SQL Server as DSC Pull Server Backend?

Recently, I am working on a request to check the possibility to use SQL Server as Powershell DSC...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 11/27/2016

Tips to handle live tile update in background task

When implementing a UWP application, a separate background task could be used to update live tile....

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 10/23/2016

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant in Azure AD OAuth

Azure AD supports varies grant flows for different scenarios, such as Authorization Code Grant for...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 09/25/2016

Access Exchange Online by PowerShell in C#

For exchange online management, the most convenient and powerful approach is Exchange Online...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 09/18/2016

The difference between the tokens used by Microsoft Graph API and Azure AD Graph API

Microsoft Graph API and Azure AD Graph API are two sets of Restful services to query office 365 user...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 09/14/2016

Keep Node.js update to install wdio

When install Visual Studio 2015, you might select Node.js in the wizard. It will work smoothly to...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 09/08/2016

Debug protractor script in Visual Studio Code

Selenium is a popular open source project to support web end-to-end automation, especially it...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 08/24/2016

Use Procdump to troubleshoot white screen issue of Bonobo git server

Bonobo git server is a handy open source project to setup self hosted git server easily in IIS for...

Author: Wu Shuai Date: 08/22/2016