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Small Basic: Exemple - JetLag (fr-FR)

Voici un jeu vidéo où vous devez éviter des obstacles. Démarrer le jeu en appuyant sur la barre espace, se déplacer à gauche et à droite avec les touches fléchées.

Vous pouvez importer le programme avec l'ID WNF231


While (GameState<>"End")
Sub Initialize
    'Initialisation des Variables
    Score = 0
    Direction = 0
    GameState = "GameOver"
    GameDelay = 100
    'Initialisation de GraphicsWindow
    GraphicsWindow.Width = 640 
    GraphicsWindow.Height = 480 
    GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "#000000"
    GraphicsWindow.KeyDown = OnKeyDown
    'Initialisation des Blocs
    GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 0
    GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#FFFFFF"
    For Index=0 To 29
        Temp = Shapes.AddRectangle(16,16)
    'Initialisation des Murs
    GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 0
    GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#0000FF"
    Temp = Shapes.AddRectangle(16,480)
    'Initialisation de Queue
    GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 0
    GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#FFFF00"
    For Index =  0 To 4
        Temp = Shapes.AddRectangle(16,16)
    'Initialsation de la Tête
    GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = 0
    GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#FF0000"
    Temp = Shapes.AddRectangle(16,16)
Sub UpdateScore
    GraphicsWindow.Title = "SBJetLag - Score: " + Score
Sub OnKeyDown
    Temp = GraphicsWindow.LastKey
    If (GameState  = "GameOver") Then
        If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Space") Then
            If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Escape") Then
                GameState = "End"
                 If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "D1") Then
                    GameDelay = 100
                    GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Pause du Jeu définie à 100ms","Vitesse Modifiée!")
                    If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "D2") Then
                        GameDelay = 200
                        GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Pause du Jeu définie à 200ms","Vitesse Modifiée!")
                        If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "D3") Then
                            GameDelay = 300
                            GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Pause du Jeu définie à 300ms","Vitesse Modifiée!")
                            If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "D4") Then
                                GameDelay = 400
                                GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Pause du Jeu définie à 400ms","Vitesse Modifiée!")
                                If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "D5") Then
                                    GameDelay = 500
                                    GraphicsWindow.ShowMessage("Pause du Jeu définie à 500ms","Vitesse Modifiée!")
        If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Left") Then
            Direction = -1
            If (GraphicsWindow.LastKey = "Right") Then
                Direction = 1
Sub StartGame
    Score = 0
    Direction = 1
    For Index=0 To 29
        Temp = Array.GetValue("Blocks",Index)
    For Index=0 To 5
        Temp = Array.GetValue("Tail",Index)
    GameState = "Play"
Sub DoGameLoop
    If (GameState  = "Play") Then
        Score = Score  + 1
        For Index=0 To 28
            Temp = Array.GetValue("BlockPositions",Index+1)
        For Index=0 To 29
            Temp = Array.GetValue("Blocks",Index)
        For Index=0 To 4
            Temp = Array.GetValue("TailPositions",Index+1)
        For Index=0 To 5
            Temp = Array.GetValue("Tail",Index)
        Temp = Array.GetValue("TailPositions",5)
        If (Temp=0 Or Temp  = 39 Or Temp =  Array.GetValue("BlockPositions",5)) Then
            GameState = "GameOver"

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