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Small Basic: Exemple - Course de Voiture Graphique (fr-FR)

L'exemple qui suit créé un jeu graphique de course de voiture:


'sous-routinr de dessin de la route
'sous-routine de dessin de la voiture
'début de la boucle
'dessine la route
'dessine la voiture
'accepte les touches pour conduire la voiture: Gauche / Droite
'redessine la voiture
'boucle vers le début
crash = 0 
score = 0 
Roadmove  = 5
RL1x = 100 
RL1y = 0 
RL1xd = 100 
RL1yd = 100 
RR1x = 300 
RR1y = 0 
RR1xd = 300 
RR1yd = 100
RL2x = 100 
RL2y = 100 
RL2xd = 100 
RL2yd = 200 
RR2x = 300 
RR2y = 100 
RR2xd = 300 
RR2yd = 200
RL3x = 100 
RL3y = 200 
RL3xd = 100 
RL3yd = 300 
RR3x = 300 
RR3y = 200 
RR3xd = 300 
RR3yd = 300
RL4x = 100 
RL4y = 300 
RL4xd = 100 
RL4yd = 400 
RR4x = 300 
RR4y = 300 
RR4xd = 300 
RR4yd = 400
Sub directionchange
  'direction aléatoire
  D = Math.GetRandomNumber(2) 
  If D =  1 Then 
    'déplace la route vers la gauche
    RL4x = RL3xd 
    RL4y = RL3yd 
    RL4xd = RL4x  - Roadmove 
    RL4yd = 400 
    RR4x = RR3xd 
    RR4y = RR3yd 
    RR4xd = RR4x  - Roadmove 
    RR4yd = 400
    If RL4xd <  0 Then 
      RL4xd = RL4x  + Roadmove 
      RR4xd = RR4x  + Roadmove 
  If D =  2 Then
    'déplace la route vers la droite
    RL4x = RL3xd 
    RL4y = RL3yd 
    RL4xd = RL4x  + Roadmove 
    RL4yd = 400 
    RR4x = RR3xd 
    RR4y = RR3yd 
    RR4xd = RR4x  + Roadmove 
    RR4yd = 400 
counter  = 0
Sub roaddraw 
  GraphicsWindow.PenWidth = "10" 
  If 400-counter*20 < 0  Then 
    counter = 0 
  'If XC >= 120 and XC <= 80 and YC >= (320-counter*20) and YC <=(480-counter*20)then 
  'crash = 1 
Sub roadmovement 
  RL1x = RL2x 
  RL1xd = RL2xd 
  RR1x = RR2x 
  RR1xd = RR2xd
  RL2x = RL3x
  RL2xd = RL3xd
  RR2x = RR3x
  RR2xd = RR3xd
  RL3x = RL4x
  RL3xd = RL4xd 
  RR3x = RR4x 
  RR3xd = RR4xd 
Sub drawcar 
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "red" 
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "black" 
Sub movecar 
  XC = GraphicsWindow.mousex 
  YC = GraphicsWindow.mousey 
Sub drawsmash 
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "red" 
  GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "black" 
Sub nextlevel 
  RR4x = RR4x-30 
  RR4xd = RR4xd  - 30 
  RR3x = RR4x 
  RR3xd = RR4x
Sub level 
  For i =  1 To 100 
    score=score + i 
    GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText(400,50,100,"SCORE = " + score) 
    GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText(400,50,100,"SCORE = " + score) 
    GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText(400,50,100,"SCORE = " + score) 
    If XC =  RR1x Then ' tentatively =
      crash = 1 
    If crash =  1 Then 
      Goto finish 
For game =  1 To 5 
  GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText(100,30,150,"SOYEZ PRÊT....NIVEAU "+game) 
  If game =  1 Then 
  If game =  2 Then 
  If game =  3 Then 
  If game =  4 Then 
  If game =  5 Then 
  If crash =  1 Then 
    GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText(100,300,300,"J'espère que vous ferez mieux la prochaine fois....entraînez vous.") 
    Goto exit 
GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText(100,300,150,"Bien joué ! Vous l'avez fait !")

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