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Requêtes pour la table WVDErrors

Pour plus d’informations sur l’utilisation de ces requêtes dans le Portail Azure, consultez le didacticiel Log Analytics. Pour l’API REST, consultez Requête.

10 principales erreurs de connexion

Retourne les 10 principales erreurs de connexion côté déploiement par nombre d’utilisateurs.

// You can replace "UserName" in the query by "CorrelationId" to see how many connections each error has impacted.
// The "CorrelationId" is unique for each connection attempt. 
// The flag on "ServiceError" helps to focus on issues that are most likely mitigated by the administrator or end user.
// Change the ActivityType based on the type of issues you are troubleshooting. 
| where ServiceError == "false" 
| where ActivityType == "Connection"  
| summarize UserCount = dcount(UserName), SampleMessage = take_any(Message) by CodeSymbolic
| project SampleMessage, UserCount 
| top 10 by UserCount desc
// Go to and review additional guidance for diagnostics in the How To section.
// Our troubleshooting guidance has information on escalation paths.

Principales erreurs de flux 10

Retourne les 10 principales erreurs de flux côté déploiement par nombre d’utilisateurs.

// You can replace "UserName" in the query by "CorrelationId" to see how many feed refresh attempts each error has impacted.
// The "CorrelationId" is unique for each feed refresh attempt. 
// The flag on "ServiceError" helps to focus on issues that are most likely mitigated by the administrator or end user.
// Change the ActivityType based on the type of issues you are troubleshooting. 
| where ServiceError == "false" 
| where ActivityType == "Feed"  
| summarize UserCount = dcount(UserName), SampleMessage = take_any(Message) by CodeSymbolic
| project SampleMessage, UserCount 
| top 10 by UserCount desc
// Go to and review additional guidance for diagnostics in the How To section.
// Our troubleshooting guidance has information on escalation paths.