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Supported metrics for Microsoft.Network/applicationgateways

The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Network/applicationgateways resource type.

Table headings

Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M every 30 minutes, PT1H every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.

For information on exporting metrics, see Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.

For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.

For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.Network/applicationgateways

Metric Name in REST API Unit Aggregation Dimensions Time Grains DS Export
Application Gateway Total Time

Time that it takes for a request to be processed and its response to be sent. This is the interval from the time when Application Gateway receives the first byte of an HTTP request to the time when the response send operation finishes. It's important to note that this usually includes the Application Gateway processing time, time that the request and response packets are traveling over the network and the time the backend server took to respond.
ApplicationGatewayTotalTime MilliSeconds Average, Maximum Listener PT1M No
Requests per minute per Healthy Host

Average request count per minute per healthy backend host in a pool
AvgRequestCountPerHealthyHost Count Average BackendSettingsPool PT1M No
WAF Bot Protection Matches

Matched Bot Rules
AzwafBotProtection Count Total (Sum) Action, Category, Mode, CountryCode, PolicyName, PolicyScope PT1M Yes
WAF Custom Rule Matches

Matched Custom Rules
AzwafCustomRule Count Total (Sum) Action, CustomRuleID, Mode, CountryCode, PolicyName, PolicyScope PT1M Yes
WAF JS Challenge Request Count

Total number of JS challenge requests evaluated by WAF
AzWAFJSChallengeRequestCount Count Total (Sum) Action, PolicyName, Rule, PolicyScope PT1M Yes
WAF Managed Rule Matches

Matched Managed Rules
AzwafSecRule Count Total (Sum) Action, Mode, RuleGroupID, RuleID, CountryCode, PolicyName, PolicyScope, RuleSetName PT1M Yes
WAF Total Requests

Total number of requests evaluated by WAF
AzwafTotalRequests Count Total (Sum) Action, CountryCode, Method, Mode, PolicyName, PolicyScope PT1M Yes
Backend Connect Time

Time spent establishing a connection with a backend server
BackendConnectTime MilliSeconds Average, Maximum Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting PT1M No
Backend First Byte Response Time

Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the first byte of the response header, approximating processing time of backend server
BackendFirstByteResponseTime MilliSeconds Average, Maximum Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting PT1M No
Backend Last Byte Response Time

Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the last byte of the response body
BackendLastByteResponseTime MilliSeconds Average, Maximum Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting PT1M No
Backend Response Status

The number of HTTP response codes generated by the backend members. This does not include any response codes generated by the Application Gateway.
BackendResponseStatus Count Total (Sum) BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting, HttpStatusGroup PT1M Yes
Web Application Firewall Blocked Requests Rule Distribution

Web Application Firewall blocked requests rule distribution
BlockedCount Count Total (Sum) RuleGroup, RuleId PT1M Yes
Bytes Received

The total number of bytes received by the Application Gateway from the clients
BytesReceived Bytes Total (Sum) Listener PT1M Yes
Bytes Sent

The total number of bytes sent by the Application Gateway to the clients
BytesSent Bytes Total (Sum) Listener PT1M Yes
Current Capacity Units

Capacity Units consumed
CapacityUnits Count Average <none> PT1M No
Client RTT

Round trip time between clients and Application Gateway. This metric indicates how long it takes to establish connections and return acknowledgements
ClientRtt MilliSeconds Average, Maximum Listener PT1M No
Current Compute Units

Compute Units consumed
ComputeUnits Count Average <none> PT1M No
CPU Utilization

Current CPU utilization of the Application Gateway
CpuUtilization Percent Average <none> PT1M No
Current Connections

Count of current connections established with Application Gateway
CurrentConnections Count Total (Sum) <none> PT1M Yes
Estimated Billed Capacity Units

Estimated capacity units that will be charged
EstimatedBilledCapacityUnits Count Average <none> PT1M No
Failed Requests

Count of failed requests that Application Gateway has served
FailedRequests Count Total (Sum) BackendSettingsPool PT1M Yes
Fixed Billable Capacity Units

Minimum capacity units that will be charged
FixedBillableCapacityUnits Count Average <none> PT1M No
Healthy Host Count

Number of healthy backend hosts
HealthyHostCount Count Average BackendSettingsPool PT1M Yes
Web Application Firewall Total Rule Distribution

Web Application Firewall Total Rule Distribution for the incoming traffic
MatchedCount Count Total (Sum) RuleGroup, RuleId PT1M Yes
New connections per second

New connections per second established with Application Gateway
NewConnectionsPerSecond CountPerSecond Average <none> PT1M No
Response Status

Http response status returned by Application Gateway
ResponseStatus Count Total (Sum) HttpStatusGroup PT1M Yes

Number of bytes per second the Application Gateway has served
Throughput BytesPerSecond Average <none> PT1M No
Client TLS Protocol

The number of TLS and non-TLS requests initiated by the client that established connection with the Application Gateway. To view TLS protocol distribution, filter by the dimension TLS Protocol.
TlsProtocol Count Total (Sum) Listener, TlsProtocol PT1M Yes
Total Requests

Count of successful requests that Application Gateway has served
TotalRequests Count Total (Sum) BackendSettingsPool PT1M Yes
Unhealthy Host Count

Number of unhealthy backend hosts
UnhealthyHostCount Count Average BackendSettingsPool PT1M Yes