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Traffic Analytics records for Topology data.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories Network
Solutions LogManagement
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries -


Column Type Description
Access string Access(Allow/Deny) associated with network security group rule.
AddressPrefixes string The address prefixes associated with the discovered resource.
AllowForwardedTraffic bool Whether the forwarded traffic from the VMs in the local virtual network will be allowed/disallowed in remote virtual network.
AllowGatewayTransit bool If gateway links can be used in remote virtual networking to link to this virtual network.
AllowVirtualNetworkAccess bool Whether the VMs in the local virtual network space would be able to access the VMs in remote virtual network space.
AppGatewayType string Type of the application gateway resource. This would be either internal or internet facing.
ApplicationGatewayBackendPools string Pool of application gateway backend IP addresses.
AzureAsn long The Azure ASN of express route circuit peering.
AzureResourceType string Resource type of the discovered resource.
BackendAddressPool string The reference to backend address pool resource.
BackendIpAddress string Backend IP address associated with the inbound NAT rules.
BackendPort int Backend port associated with the inbound NAT rules. The port used for the internal endpoint. Acceptable values range from 1 to 65535.
BackendSubnets string List of space separated subnets associated with the discovered resource.
BgpEnabled bool Whether BGP is enabled for this resource or not.
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
CircuitProvisioningState string The current provisioning state of express route circuit.
ComponentType string Component type of the status message. Possible values are Flowlog/Topology.
ConnectionStatus string Gateway connection status.
ConnectionType string Connection type of the discovered connection.
Description string Description of with network security group rule.
DestinationAddressPrefix string Destination address prefix associated with network security group rule.
DestinationPortRange string Destination port range associated with network security group rule.
Direction string Direction associated with network security group rule.
DiscoveryRegion string The region where resource is discovered.
EgressBytesTransferred long The egress bytes transferred in this connection.
EnableIpForwarding bool Indicates whether IP forwarding is enabled on the network interface.
EncryptionEnabled bool Indicates whether encryption is enabled on the virtual network.
EncryptionEnforcement string Indicates whether the encrypted virtual network allows VM that does not support encryption. Possible values include DropUnencrypted/AllowUnencrypted.
FloatingIpEnabled bool Configures a virtual machine's endpoint for the floating IP capability required to configure a SQL AlwaysOn Availability Group. This setting is required when using the SQL AlwaysOn Availability Groups in SQL server. This setting can't be changed after you create the endpoint.
FlowLogStorageAccount string Id of the storage account which is used to store the flow log.
FrontendIpAddress string Frontend IP address associated with the inbound NAT rule.
FrontendIps string Frontend IP address of the load balancer.
FrontendPort int Frontend port associated with the inbound NAT rules. The port for the external endpoint. Port numbers for each rule must be unique within the Load Balancer. Acceptable values range from 1 to 65534.
FrontendSubnet string The subnet of the discovered load balancer resource. This will be populated when the load balancer is internal load balancer.
FrontendSubnets string List of space separated subnets of the discovered load balancer resource. This will be populated when the load balancer is internal load balancer.
GatewayConnectionType string Gateway connection type.
GatewaySubnet string Subnet associated with the application aateway resource.
GatewayType string Gateway Type assocaited with virtual network gateway, VPN or express route.
IngressBytesTransferred long The ingress bytes transferred in this connection.
IpAddress string Gateway IP address of the discovered resource.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
IsFlowEnabled bool Flag to enable/disable flow logging.
IsVirtualAppliance bool Boolean to specify if the discovered resource is a virtual appliance.
LoadBalancerBackendPools string Pool of load balancer backend IP addresses.
LoadBalancerType string The type of the discovered load balancer resource. Possible values are internal load balancer or internet facing load balancer.
LocalNetworkGateway string The reference to local network gateway resource.
LocalPreference string Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command of the express route circuit route.
MacAddress string MAC address of the discovered NIC.
Name string Name of the discovered resource.
Network string IP address of a network entity associated with the express route circuit route.
NextHopIp string The IP address packets should be forwarded to. Next hop values are only allowed in routes where the next hop type is virtual appliance.
NextHopType string The type of azure hop the packet should be sent to.
Nsg string The reference to the network security group resource.
Path string Autonomous system paths to the destination network of the express route circuit route.
Peer string The reference to peerings resource.
PeerAsn long The peer ASN of express route circuit peering.
PeeringType string The peering type of express route circuit peering.
PrimaryAzurePort string The primary port of express route circuit peering.
PrimaryBytesIn long The primary bytes in of the peering.
PrimaryBytesOut long The primary bytes out of the peering.
PrimaryNextHop string Primary next hop address of the express route circuit route.
PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix string The primary peer address prefix of express route circuit peering.
Priority int Specifies the priority for the virtual machine. Minimum api-version: 2019-03-01.
PrivateEndpointResourceId string Resource ID of the private endpoint resource.
PrivateFrontendIps string Front end private IP addresses associated with the application gateway resource.
PrivateIpAddresses string Private IP address of the IP configuration.
PrivateLinkResourceId string Resource ID of the private link service.
Protocol string Protocol associated with network security group rule.
PublicFrontendIps string Front end public IP addresses associated with the application gateway resource.
PublicIpAddresses string Public IP address bound to the IP configuration.
Region string Region of the discovered resource.
RouteTable string The reference to the route table resource.
RoutingWeight int The routing weight.
RuleType string The type of the network security group rule.
SchemaVersion string This is topology schema version and not related to flow log schema version.
SecondaryAzurePort string The secondary port of express route circuit peering.
SecondaryBytesIn long The secondary bytes in of the peering.
SecondaryBytesOut long The secondary bytes out of the peering.
SecondaryNextHop string Secondary next hop address of the express route circuit route.
SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix string The secondary peer address prefix of express route circuit peering.
ServiceProviderProperties string "Contains service provider properties in an express route circuit. Service provider properties semicolon seperated "ServiceProviderName;ServiceProviderBandwidthInMbps;ServiceProviderPeeringLocation"".
ServiceProviderProvisioningState string The service provider provisioning state state of the resource.
Sku string SKU or pricing associated with the discovered resource.
SkuDetail string "The SKU of express route circuit. Express route circuit SKU detail semicolon seperated "Family;Name;Tier"".
SourceAddressPrefix string Source address prefix associated with network security group rule.
SourcePortRange string Source port range associated with network security group rule.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
State string The peering state of express route circuit peering.
Status string Status of the ingestion. Possible values can be Completed/Partial/Failed.
Subnet1 string Subnet associated with the discovered subnetwork connection.
Subnet2 string Subnet associated with the discovered subnetwork connection.
SubnetPrefixes string Space separated string of address prefixes in local network address space.
SubnetRegion1 string Subnet region associated with the discovered subnetwork connection.
SubnetRegion2 string Subnet region associated with the discovered subnetwork connection.
Subnetwork string The refrence to the subnetwork resource.
Subscription string Subscription guid of the discovered resource.
SubscriptionName string Subscription name of the discovered resource.
SubType string Subtype of the ingestion. Values can be Topology and StatusMessage.
Tags string Tags associated with the discovered resource.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TimeGenerated datetime The time when the data gets ingested into the log analytics workspace.
TimeProcessed datetime Time(in UTC) at which the traffic analytics discovered the topology resource.
TopologyVersion string Topology version.
Type string The name of the table
UseRemoteGateways bool If remote gateways can be used on this virtual network. If the flag is set to true, and allowGatewayTransit on remote peering is also true, virtual network will use gateways of remote virtual network for transit. Only one peering can have this flag set to true. This flag cannot be set if virtual network already has a gateway.
VipAddress string Space separated list of IP addresses associated with virtual network gateway.
VirtualAppliances string Virtual appliances associated with the discovered subnetwork connection.
VirtualMachine string The reference to a virtual machine.
VirtualNetwork1 string The reference to the virtual network resource associated with the virtual network peering.
VirtualNetwork2 string The reference to the virtual network resource associated with the virtual network peering.
VirtualNetworkGateway1 string The reference to virtual network gateway resource.
VirtualNetworkGateway2 string The reference to virtual network gateway resource.
VirtualSubnetwork string Virtual subnetwork associated with virtual network gateway.
VlanId int The VLAN Id of the peering.
VmssName string The virtual machine scale set name.
VnetEncryptionSupported bool Indicates whether the virtual machine this nic is attached to supports encryption.
VpnClientAddressPrefixes string The reference to the address prefix resource which represents address prefix for P2S VpnClient. Will be empty when no point to site is configured.
Weight int Route weight of the express route circuit route.
Zones string The virtual machine zones information.